The problem with NOT giving up certain foods

Let’s say someone you know is an alcoholic, and they decide to get clean and sober.

To do that, they’d need to stop drinking alcohol for good, wouldn’t they?

Not just stop to get sober so they can “be done with getting sober” and go back to drinking again…

Not just stop long enough to look good in a dress (or tux) for their son’s wedding or fit into a swimsuit for summer travel season…

And they for SURE wouldn’t be able to keep drinking WHILE getting sober.

I bring it up because some people – a lot of people – are the same way when it comes to food.

They’re addicted to it, or to sugar, or to certain foods (like potato chips or pizza).

No, it’s not everyone, just like not everyone who drinks alcohol is an alcoholic (or will ever be one).

But some people are, and it’s the same with food and sugar.

Some people, for whatever reason, are more vulnerable to overeating or getting addicted.

For that reason, telling “everyone” that they can lose weight and keep it off while still eating “the foods they love” is like telling everyone who’s an alcoholic that they can get clean and sober without giving up alcohol.

With Code Red, yes, we stop eating certain foods that slow down or stall weight loss in most people, because losing weight sucks and we wanna get it done as quickly (but safely) as possible.

When you get to maintenance, I ALSO teach you how to strategically reintroduce foods we remove in weight loss mode, so you know how to eat them without gaining back all your weight yet again.

If you’re able to have them without triggering yourself into overeating them and gaining your weight back, great.

If not, then like an alcoholic, your best bet is not to eat them.

Whether you can eat those “foods you love” and maintain enough control to keep your weight off depends on you and your food vulnerability.

People who tell you that you shouldn’t have to stop eating “the foods you love” to lose weight or keep it off probably aren’t very vulnerable to overeating, binging, or food or sugar addiction.

Keep that in mind when you see them preaching about it, okay?

It’s the equivalent of them telling alcoholics that they can get clean and sober without giving up alcohol.

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