The lie her doctor told her (has your doctor said this to you?)

My jaw hit the floor when I saw this.
A woman in the 10 Pound Takedown posted about her experience so far. The part of her post that made my jaw hit the floor was when she shared that her doctor recently told her to accept that she’ll always be fat.
Maybe her doctor had good intentions, and told her that thinking it would help her be happier with herself…though I have a hard time wrapping my head around a doctor thinking it’s okay, for any reason, to tell someone, “You’ll always be fat.”
Whatever the case, this lady was NOT happy to hear that, and I don’t blame her. 
She will not “always be fat,” unless she permanently gives up.
How do I know?
Because I’ve seen it before, thousands of times. People who were told by others that they’d always be fat, and they just needed to accept it…they instead found Code Red, worked the program, and lost their weight.
There’s no such thing as “you’ll always be fat.” That’s what people say to try and explain a problem they can’t solve. 
Maybe you’ve even told yourself that.
Whether that line came from inside your own head or from someone else, like your doctor, I’m gonna say it again:
There’s no such thing as “you’ll always be fat.”
If you’re carrying too much weight, it’s because your body’s not getting enough of what it needs, and too much of what’s hurting it.
Changing that is a simple matter of eating the right foods, avoiding the wrong ones, drinking water, and sleeping.
Notice I said simple, not easy. Abstaining from addictive processed foods will challenge you. Heck, it challenges me!
But with real food, water, sleep, and support, you can totally do it. Hundreds of thousands of people already have.
Bottom line: You will not “always be fat” (unless you truly want to be).
To see for yourself – and prove wrong anyone who’s told you that “you’ll always be fat” – the link below will take you to a page where you can join the 10 Pound Takedown.

Want to lose 10 pounds in 30 days and feel better than you have in years? Click here to check out the 10 Pound Takedown Challenge!