How to get what you want (like your weight gone for good)

During tourist season at the resort where my husband and I have our cabin, I’ll sometimes climb a really steep, long section of the hiking trails, where no one else will go, in order to get the peace and quiet I need to recharge.

That might sound like a lot of work to you, and yeah, maybe it is.

But for me, it was totally worth it.

Getting what you want – when it’s something worthwhile – does take work. More than most people expect.

It’s funny. With all the push-button conveniences in today’s world, we’ve got it easier than ever.

Yet most people will tell you they “don’t have time” to make what they want a priority.

Does that seem kinda crazy to you? It does to me.

It’s easier than ever – not easy, just easier – to get what you want, like losing all your weight and enjoying a healthy lifestyle where your body helps you do what you want instead of being your 24/7 prison.

There’s resources, how-tos, and support galore.

So if you still don’t have what you want in terms of getting and keeping your weight off, why do you think that is?

Do you actually want it, or do you just think you “should” want it?

Do you want the crap food more?

Do you wanna eat late at night with friends and family MORE than you wanna be done losing weight?

These are questions only you can answer.

Recently I hosted a live Q&A in the Code Red Maintenance group, and found myself fired up about getting out and moving your body in maintenance.

There are people in the world who can’t do that kind of thing, or are limited, either because they’re too heavy and sick, or they’re paralyzed, or they have missing limbs.

Why on earth wouldn’t you move your body in some way, every day, when you’re physically capable of doing so?

And why on earth wouldn’t you go after what you want when all the resources and support you can ask for are available to you?

Answers to those questions are probably popping into your head. And I’d bet my next paycheck that 99% of them are just excuses.

There’s a quote that says, you can have results or you can have excuses, but you can’t have both.

Which do YOU want more – your excuses or the results?

Be honest with yourself as you answer that question.

Meaning, don’t say “results” when really, your excuses matter more to you at this time. That’s just how it is, so don’t beat yourself up…because only by being honest with yourself will you be able to make progress.

If you want the excuses more, be at peace with that.

If you honestly want the RESULTS more, then your next question is, what are you gonna do to get them?

Figure it out, and go for it.

And leave those excuses behind.

Want to lose 10 pounds in 30 days and feel better than you have in years? Click here to check out the 10 Pound Takedown Challenge!