I see it all the time. I’ve experienced it.
You probably have to (in both cases).
The human brain is wired for protection. So when you make a mistake, you often remember the pain of it (whether physical, emotional, or both) very vividly.
When something feels good, on the other hand, you’re way more likely to seek it out, even if it’s not actually good FOR you. It might be, but we can easily (and accidentally) condition ourselves to get pleasure from stuff that isn’t actually good for us in the long-term, even if it feels good in the moment.
In the world of Code Red, it’s not uncommon for someone to wait months, or even years, before even taking a crack at this lifestyle.
Sometimes it’s because they don’t know enough about it.
But very often it’s because they’ve failed at weight loss, and have given up the hope anything can work for them.
Even seeing all the evidence, even knowing people in person who’ve succeeded at Code Red, they put it off for weeks, months, even years, because past failures weigh so heavily on them, they think they can’t bear to get their hopes up again.
If you relate to that, let me ask you this.
If I could wave a magic wand so you’d forget all your past weight loss failures, would you join Code Red in a heartbeat?
Your answer to that question will clarify how much influence you’re giving to your past failures to dictate your future success.
The past is behind you and the future is determined by your actions in the present.
That means NOW is all there really ever is.
Allowing your past to control your now and your future, though understandable, is cutting your life off at the knees.
Listen, we all do it at some point. There’s nothing wrong with you. Your brain is doing exactly what it’s wired to do: Protect you.
But sometimes it’s protecting you from stuff you don’t need protected from.
Trying out the Code Red Lifestyle™ is one of those things. You’re not gonna drop dead if you try Code Red and it’s not for you.
Stop letting your past failures determine your future (or current) success, okay?
Give yourself the gift of going for it NOW, instead of allowing your past to shackle you. It’s a box with a false lid that you can climb out of at any moment you choose.
I believe in you!