A pill for every ill is the predominant way to we’re trained handle problems in many facets of our society today.
It’s most common in health industry, where we’re promised pills to “fix” all kinds of problems – everything from our weight to our mental health to diseases.
So do any of these pills have a place?
Can they improve people’s lives?
But in focusing only on “take a pill” to address issues we’re having, we’re ignoring alternatives that can be at least as effective – if not more so – and that may even eliminate the need to take a pill in the first place.
A pill should be the last place we look, not the first.
And if it’s used, it should be combined with other therapies, like nutrition (if a pill is needed at all) to enhance the pill’s results.
Remember that taking medications is introducing drugs which artificially manipulate your body.
Again, there are times when that has a place.
But your body is DESIGNED to repair itself when you give it the tools it’s naturally designed to use, like real food, water, and sleep.
When you take a step back from the mindless “I need another pill to fix this” conditioning, a pill for every ill makes NO sense logically (except to those who profit from you taking as many pills as possible).
What makes sense is to give your body the tools it’s wired for.
Address your nutrition first. You may even be able to eliminate the need for “a pill.”
If nutrition and other natural therapies aren’t enough, THEN look at whether a pill might enhance your situation.
**I am not saying to stop taking your medications if you’re on medications. Abruptly stopping powerful drugs is dangerous. I am suggesting you address your nutrition, and work with your doctor on adjusting your medications if and when necessary.**