Whether or not you’re new to Code Red, you know that the holiday season is often a society-wide feeding frenzy.
It starts with Halloween, and it continues with…
Holiday baking and other “treats”…
Thanksgiving being an excuse to see how much food you can stuff yourself with…
And more of the same all the way through Christmas and New Year’s.
Our “traditions” are now just reasons to pig out. Same with our other special occasions.
There’s no self-control ANY time, not just during the holidays, which is a huge part of the problem.
You’re seen as “restricting yourself,” either from others or in your own mind. “Oh, you can’t have ________?”
But all THAT mindset does is lead to judgment, shame, and feeling like you’re deprived.
You know it and I know it, which is why, if you’re thinking of joining Code Red, you may be telling yourself, “First I want to get through the holidays.”
Or, if you’re already a Rebel, you’re wondering HOW you’ll “make it through” the holidays.
Making it through the holidays is a decision. Not trying, not even a choice. A DECISION.
You make your mind up that you’re in control of what goes in your mouth, and you decide that’s the way it’s gonna stay.
If you’re on a custom program, you choose foods that fit your budget, calories, and macros, and you log, weigh, and measure them. Bring your own pre-logged, pre-measured food if you’re at someone else’s house and they’re not serving anything you can have.
If you’re following challenge rules, or doing Accountability with a coach, or even reading The Code Red Revolution book, you know what’s Code Red-approved and what’s not.
If you’re the host of the gathering, you have complete control over what is and isn’t served, so take advantage of that. Use it to not only stay on plan, but to prove to the people you have over how delicious Code Red-approved meals can be.
Decide you’re someone who stays in control. Better yet, ask yourself, “What would someone who easily loses their weight and keeps it off do in this situation?”
That puts your brain in problem-solving mode. And when the answers come, write them down and use them as an action plan.
What you believe is what happens. So if you believe you’re someone who will derail your own progress….who won’t be able to resist if tempting foods are around…who can’t be trusted to stay on plan…it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
You’ve got to change what you believe about yourself.
Start by asking the question above, writing down the answers, and then acting on them.
Those little actions add up, by helping you prove yourself to yourself. When you can do that, you can do anything.