Sick of your old ways (and of the results they’re getting you)? Here’s how to swap them out!

Do you ever just get sick and tired of your own bullcrap?

I know I do!

When I hit that threshold, one of the first things I do is look at the habits I’m using, and the choices I’m making, and see where I can do things differently.

It’s a lot easier to fall back on old habits (even if you know they’re bullcrap) than it is to form new ones, but it’s also not impossible.

See, our brains are wired to form habits and repeat patterns.

If they weren’t, you’d have to relearn how to do EVERYTHING, every single day. There aren’t enough hours in the day for that!

Our brains learn something by doing it enough, and as we learn by doing, it gets easier and easier.

Take eating junk food. That’s a pretty easy pattern to fall back into, isn’t it?

Or how about the habit of snacking while you watch TV? Again, very easy to fall back into.

But if it’s a habit, it’s a habit because you did it over and over.

And if you can create bad habits by repeating them over and over, you can do the same thing with good habits.

“But Cristy, why do bad habits seem so much easier to form than good ones?”

Most of the time, it’s because bad habits – like snacking – lead to immediate rewards. Snacking gives you immediate enjoyment from the taste and texture of your food. Maybe the food even triggers happy memories.

Good habits lead to long-term rewards, but they’re harder to stick with long enough for them to become habits because there’s not always an immediate reward.

So what can you do to make forming good habits as fun as falling back on bad ones?

Simple. Engineer positive rewards into your GOOD habits.

Let’s say you wanna get in the habit of drinking a gallon of water a day, but you’d rather have coffee. (I LOVE coffee, by the way, so I get it!)

What I do is add an electrolyte supplement to my water, which makes it taste great, and makes drinking it more appealing. (To see the three electrolyte supplements I recommend, visit

I also make a deal with myself, where I’ll drink one full water bottle before I have a cup of coffee.

That way I get my water in, still enjoy some coffee, and also drink less coffee.

Look for ways you can engineer rewards into forming positive new habits, and in so doing, make them just as fun as the bad habits you’re sick of and want to stop doing.

Just be careful about using food as one of your rewards. Eating clean for a week, then rewarding yourself with two Dominos pizzas and a liter of Pepsi, defeats the purpose of working on healthy eating habits.

Make sure your rewards support your new habits instead of sabotage them!

Your assignment, if you choose to accept it, is to pick one bad habit you want to get rid of, choose a new habit you want instead, and decide how to make that new habit rewarding.

Then, take action and get your new habit in place.

The best way to get rid of bullcrap habits that are holding you back is to replace them with awesome NEW habits!

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