Short on time? Use these 3 quick, easy, time-saving food hacks!

When you’ve got a jam-packed schedule, carving out time to make complicated meals that also taste great and melt fat can be a real hassle.
Many programs out there give you complicated recipes with pages and pages of weird ingredients.
But not everybody has time for that! Sometimes, you just want something quick, easy, and SIMPLE!
So to help you get your fat-burning real food meals ready FAST, so you can grab and go without destroying your progress, here are 3 quick, easy, time-saving food hacks for Code Red Rebels.
1. Keep it simple with a fat, protein, and a veggie.
For a delicious, fast, Code Red-approved meal, all you need is one of each.
Some foods, like bacon and avocado, count as more than one, which saves you even more time!
(For example, bacon is both a fat and a protein; avocado is both a fat and, though it’s a fruit, we use it as a veggie on Code Red. Olives, also a fruit, are both a “veggie” and a fat, too.)
2. Be a repeat eater.
If you find a simple Code Red meal you love, and you lose weight when you eat it, keep eating it! You’ll completely eliminate all the bandwidth that gets sucked up “wondering what to eat.”
If you need variety, swap out the fat, protein, or veggie from time to time. Or, have a handful of different, simple meals you love, and rotate between them all.
3. Make extra.
You’re already standing right there, putting your simple meal together. Grab additional helpings of each food and throw ’em on a plate, or in a meal prep container. If you keep it simple and use single-ingredient real foods, this will only take another two minutes. Maybe less!
There you go: Three quick, easy, time-saving food hacks to ensure “what do I eat?” is a question you never again have to ask yourself on Code Red.
Try them out and see for yourself how much time and bandwidth they save you!

Want to lose 10 pounds in 30 days and feel better than you have in years? Click here to check out the 10 Pound Takedown Challenge!