She’s a P.A., he’s an R.N….so why couldn’t they lose weight?

Mindy’s a Physician Assistant. Sean is a Registered Nurse.

And before the Code Red Lifestyle, both were overweight.

Not only that, they were unable to lose weight using the very same “nutrition training” they received in medical school. Sean was even on medication for high blood pressure!

The exact training that kept them overweight and sick also made them extra skeptical of the Code Red Lifestyle.

But once they warmed up to it, and actually tried it for themselves…they realized that all the nutrition training they’d been taught was completely wrong.

Watch the video to hear this powerhouse couple’s incredible weight loss journey on the Code Red Lifestyle.

Are you ready to take your life back from obesity, sickness, and misery? Are you ready to love being photographed, always find cute clothes that fit whenever you shop, and feel proud of yourself?

Then join my next 10 Pound Takedown Challenge at For less than the price of a family dinner out, you can experience the Code Red Lifestyle’s life-transforming results for yourself. Get started now at