One of my Rebels shared this astonishing story on a live video:
“My daughter in laws mom is on the shot and she started before I started code red. At the wedding, I lost more weight on code red than she did on the shot. She still eats like crap and that’s the problem.”
Most people start out not believing me that Code Red can get weight off most people as fast as (or faster) than weight loss surgery or “the shot”…AND do it without the nasty side effects or permanent damage to your insides.
So what’s the catch with Code Red?
How can it work as fast as (or faster) than something like weight loss surgery or the shot?
The most obvious catch is, you actually need to do the program consistently and correctly for it to work.
Beyond that:
1. You need to eat differently than you may be used to (though it depends on how you eat now).
In weight loss mode, we remove foods that slow down or stall weight loss in most people (including some that cause most people to GAIN weight and get unhealthy).
The way we eat is rich, delicious, and filling. It doesn’t feel like “a diet.” But it may be different than you’re used to.
2. We drink a gallon of water a day.
We also omit a lot of the beverages you may be used to drinking, both because they may interfere with weight loss and so that you have “room” in your tummy to get all your water in.
I also point you to three electrolyte supplements you can add to your water to make it taste great (AND replenish electrolytes) so it’s easier to get in.
3. We focus on sleep.
The way we eat on Code Red often improves sleep, so if you struggle to sleep now, trying out Code Red for 30 days might help you.
Either way, sleep is the #1 rule in weight loss, and if you ain’t sleeping, you ain’t losing.
You’ll just need to get your water in a decent hour so you aren’t up all night peeing (which obviously makes it hard to sleep).
4. We follow a few simple rules, including no snacking.
Yep, we don’t do “3 meals and 2 snacks a day” on Code Red.
AND the way we eat is so filling that not snacking is what most people wanna do anyway, once they get used to it.
Bottom line: The “catch” with Code Red is that to lose weight with real food, water, and sleep, no shakes, diet pills, diet foods, exercise, shots, patches, weight loss powders, or surgery, you’ll do a few things differently.
And in return, it’s possible to lose 10 pounds (maybe more) in your first 30 days and feel better than you have in years.
If that’s something you’re willing to try out for 30 days, see what you think, and go from there, then check out the next 10 Pound Takedown here: www.10PoundTakedown.com.