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Most of us feel like quitting from time to time…like when things get hard, or what we’re trying to accomplish seems impossible…when that light at the end of the tunnel is so tiny, we start wondering if we’re simply imagining it.
It bothers me when my clients struggle with this mindset, because I know the Code Red Lifestyle works, and I know that anyone who puts their mind to it can lose all their weight and keep it off.
But, here’s the thing: Not everybody who feels like quitting actually does.
So let’s talk about what separates the people who feel like quitting and do, from the people who feel like quitting, but don’t.
What’s your why?
I ask my clients this question all the time: Why did you join the Code Red Lifestyle?
At first they say stuff like, “I saw my friend so-and-so do well, and I wanted to try it.”
That’s not the why I’m talking about.
When they really dig deep and think about why, the real reasons come out…reasons like, “Diabetes runs in my family and I don’t want to end up diabetic,” or, “I’m tired of feeling ashamed every time I look in the mirror,” or “I’m tired of my knees hurting because I’m carrying so much weight.”
Your why has to be personal and powerful. If it’s not, staying the course when things get tough doesn’t feel worth it to you.
Reach out for support instead of suffering in silence.
Some people are fine asking for help. Others feel like they’re being “a bother,” or they are uncomfortable being vulnerable enough to ask for help.
Everybody needs help at some point. We’re not talking about people who expect everything handed to them on a silver platter.
Accepting help from people who know what they’re doing, and can help you get where you want to go, is what the most successful people in the world do. They have advisors, mentors, and coaches.
The support of like-minded people can get you through those tough times. Reach out!
You gotta want it.
Lasting change rarely happens until the thought of things staying the same becomes more unbearable than the thought of changing. I call this rock bottom.
I’ve been at rock bottom many, many times in my life. At the time, it was horrible.
But because being there was so unbearable, it pushed me to do what I had to do to improve my life. Some of the best times in my life have come after I hit rock bottom…because when you hit rock bottom, there’s no where to go but up.
Rock bottom is different for everyone. But people who aren’t at that place are more likely to quit.
Row your own boat.
Human beings are naturally competitive. We want to be the best, look the best, have the best. When we don’t, it can get in our heads and make us do crazy things…or it can cause us to quit.
Comparing yourself to other people is toxic. Focus on your journey. It’s different from everyone else’s, and that’s perfectly fine!
Celebrate along the way.
I tell my clients to set up mini rewards as they reach their weight loss goals.
Let’s say someone has 150 pounds to lose.
After the first 15, they get a manicure. After they’re down a total of 30 pounds, they buy a new purse. After they’re down 50 pounds, they get a massage. And so on.
Making a big deal out of milestones–because they are a big deal!–keeps you excited, focused, and committed.
Quitting means you never get to experience that goal you’ve worked so hard for. I promise you, reaching that goal is worth enduring the rough spots. Do what you have to do to get your head back in the game, and make it happen cap’n!