Have you gained the “Quarantine 15?”

When the government first implemented social distancing, and shut down most businesses, a ton of people took it as a green light to go crazy with their food, booze, and even pot.

But enough time has passed that the people doing that are splitting into two groups.

One group is mindlessly continuing.

Another group is realizing they can’t keep it up.

They feel like crap. Their clothes are getting tighter. They’re blowing through their money like it’s on fire.

And shame at their behavior is starting to kick in.

I’m seeing comments like “I wish I hadn’t done this,” and “I’m so stressed and I can’t seem to snap out of it.”

Look, most people are stressed right now. I get it, believe me, but eating your way out of it didn’t help you before, and it’s not gonna help now.

Here’s some things that WILL help:

Get some accountability. If you’re surrounded by enablers who don’t see anything wrong with eating themselves into a 50-pound weight gain, get and stay in touch with people who’re actually losing weight right now. (They’re out there. My Code Red groups are full of them.)

Process stress without food. Inhaling food is not the only way to feel better. Do something fun that requires mindless focus, like drawing, knitting, puzzles, and vacuuming your car. Any non-food activity you love is fair game.

And it doesn’t have to be an activity! Anything that brings you joy is a fantastic way to feel better.

(Obviously I’m not talking about snorting cocaine or getting drunk out of your mind. We’re not looking to replace one destructive coping mechanism with another.)

Write up a list of things that make you happy.

It can be reading a thank you card, enjoying a sunny day, drinking your morning coffee, wearing your favorite shirt, playing with your dog…again, anything that brings you joy.

Get on the next 10 Pound Takedown. If you’ve gained weight from going crazy with food, now’s the time to shore up and get that weight back down.

Waiting until this is “all over” isn’t gonna cut it. Believe me, I want this to be all over sooner rather than later.

But instead of using this time to get fatter and sicker (and in so doing, put your immune system at greater risk), use it to drop the weight and promote a strong immune system. Protect yourself (and, indirectly, the people around you).

Click the button below to get on the next 10 Pound Takedown. It’ll feel SO much better than eating yourself into another 20 pounds of weight gain!