Acid reflux, GERD, heartburn – whatever you wanna call it, it feels MISERABLE.
Besides “burning” pain, symptoms of these problems can include burping, bloating, feeling like something’s stuck in your throat, coughing or sore throat, nausea, relentless hiccups, and in extreme cases, blood in your stool, and blood in your vomit.
Depending on which variation of this problem you have, treatment usually involves either neutralizing your stomach acid, or stifling how much stomach acid your body produces.
While these treatment can bring relief from symptoms, they’re extremely dangerous in the long run, and here’s why.
Your body needs stomach acid to break down your food, and when it doesn’t have enough–or the acid isn’t acidic enough–food that’s only partially digested makes its way into your intestines. There, it rots and causes all sorts of problems.
Partially digested food can also escape through your damaged stomach lining and into your bloodstream, where your body sees it as a foreign invader and attacks, which leading to pain and disease.
A much safer way to eliminate heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD, is to STOP eating inflammatory foods like sugar and grains, and low-grade inflammatory oils like soybean and vegetable oils…
Which is something we do on the Code Red Lifestyle™. It’s why so many Rebels report relief from their heartburn. Most are able to stop taking their acid reflux medication!**
**DO NOT stop acid reflux medication cold turkey. It’s dangerous to do so. Wean yourself off of it slowly, and talk to your doctor.**
Remember: Inflammation is the root cause of disease, and the resulting symptoms.
That’s why relief starts with eliminating what’s causing the inflammation.
To do otherwise would be like putting your hand on a hot stove, adding some burn ointment, and then putting your hand back on the hot stove. Burn ointment cannot help if you’re continuing to hurt yourself.
Heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD don’t happen “just because.”
They’re a huge red flag that your body is struggling, and stifling your stomach acid does NOT address the root cause.
Permanent relief from heartburn can and does happen on the Code Red Lifestyle™. If it’s something you struggle with, join me for the next 10 Pound Takedown. Click the button below to learn more about the 10 Pound Takedown.