Overwhelmed by the idea of eating differently?

Recently I got back to Boise from my cross-country drive (I drove my inventory, by myself, in a U-Haul from Kentucky to Boise over three and a half days).

After I got back, it was all about getting everything set up and organized, then shipping as many Code Red orders as I could.

It was kinda overwhelming, but I knew my mom and I would dig in and get it done, because it’s what needed to happen.

It also got me thinking about the fact that anything you’re either new to doing and/or where there’s a lot to do is probably gonna feel overwhelming. 

A lot of people take that as a sign it’s not meant to be, or label it as too hard and give up.

I get it, AND here’s the thing.

If you want a result you don’t have, SOMETHING about getting it will probably feel overwhelming.

Think about it. How could it NOT?

Overwhelm isn’t a sign you should quit, it’s just a sign you’re doing something your brain isn’t used to…something your brain will NEVER get used to unless you stick with it.

Whether that’s learning how to live the Code Red Lifestyle™, or learning to swim, or learning how to drive a car, odds are it’s gonna feel overwhelming at some point.

If you’re learning how to live the Code Red Lifestyle™, which includes eating differently than you’re probably used to…or there’s something else going on in your life that’s new to you and/or there’s a lot to it…STICK WITH IT.

The overwhelm will pass if you do…but it’ll never pass if you don’t.

If you feel overwhelmed at the thought of eating for weight loss, make sure you join me on the next 10 Pound Takedown on Facebook.

I’ll show you how to lose up to 10 pounds (the average is 12.2 and many people lose even more) in 30 days by simply eating real food, drinking water, sleeping, and following 10 simple rules.

No exercise, and no shakes, diet pills, or diet foods.

If you’ve fallen off the wagon and feel overwhelmed at the thought of getting back on, come join me for the 10 Pound Takedown and dip your toe back in.

Remember: It’ll feel overwhelming until your brain gets used to it. Join the Takedown for the support and tools you need to get used to it!

Come join us in the Code Red network! We’ve got communities, tons of videos, podcasts, articles, motivation, tips, programs, meal ideas, and more! It’s free to join, and you can join in either of these two ways:

1) Go to www.coderedlifestyle.com/app from your laptop (or an Internet browser like Chrome on your phone or tablet) and create your free account.

2) Download the mobile app version from the App Store or Google Play by searching Code Red Lifestyle™.