Non-Candy Halloween Ideas for Trick Or Treaters

Whenever Halloween rolls around, Rebels who’ve never been through a Halloween on the Code Red Lifestyle ask me the same question:

“Cristy, what can I give to trick or treaters besides candy?”

I love it, because it means they’ve accepted how detrimental sugar is to health (in the amounts we consume it in modern-day society), and they don’t want to participate in that facet of Halloween.

For them, it feels like handing out cigarettes to kids.

Here are 13 fun, affordable ideas for non-candy goodies you can hand out to your neighborhood trick or treaters!

  1. Glow sticks
  2. Stickers
  3. Pencils with pencil toppers
  4. Toy cars
  5. Bubbles
  6. Halloween-themed toys (dollar store)
  7. Mini bottles of water
  8. Temporary tattoos
  9. Play-Dough
  10. Bouncy balls
  11. Slap bracelets
  12. Small boxes of crayons
  13. Mini slinkies

You can find a lot of these at your nearest dollar store. Pharmacies with toy sections might have them too. You can also check department stores like WalMart. Amazon has a whole bunch of them!

Kids don’t have to gorge on candy to enjoy Halloween. Be the one person in your neighborhood to give them something that’ll last longer than a mini Twix bar.

And if you’d like more Code Red Halloween ideas, be on the lookout for Wednesday’s blog post about tips to surviving the Halloween sugar onslaught!

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