Memorial Day weekend’s right around the corner.
For a lot of people, Memorial Day means barbecues, vacations, maybe the first camping trip of the year.
And even though the actual purpose of Memorial Day is to honor fallen soldiers, our society’s managed to make it about the same thing all our holidays are about these days…namely, FOOD!
It frustrates me to no end when Rebels in weight loss mode on the Code Red Lifestyle™ go off the rails just because it’s a “special occasion.”
Of course there are plenty of Rebels who don’t, and I’m always super proud of them. I know society’s food obsession is tough to escape.
But there are, unfortunately, those that do.
Some start out with the best of intentions, and either face more temptation than they believe they can handle, or cave to outside pressure for “just one bite” or “just this once.”
But others make their mind up ahead of time. They head into a holiday, like Memorial Day, fully intending to cheat.
If you’re someone who wants to stay on track but you’re nervous about it, here are three things you can do:
- First, remember that nobody’s holding you down stuffing the food into your mouth. You’re the only one feeding yourself, which means you have complete control over what goes in your pie hole. Make your mind up ahead of time that you’re staying on track. Don’t be wishy washy about it. Commit to it, tell yourself “This is the way it is,” and believe it!
- Make a plan to set yourself up for success. If you’re traveling, bring your own approved foods. If you’ll be at hotels and restaurants, look them up online or call ahead and find out what your options are. There’s always a way for you to make a plan, take control, and set yourself up for success.
- Plan other activities that don’t revolve around food. Make it about the memories, not about how much food you can eat. Memories will last longer and mean more to you than the time it takes that food to digest and end up in the toilet. Seriously, when you’re on your deathbed, are you gonna care whether your family ate some piece of cake, or are you gonna care how much time you got to spend with them?
If you’re reading this and you’ve “made your mind up” that you’re gonna cheat, I have one question for you:
Do you wanna lose weight forever?
That seductive, sweet-talking voice in your head telling you it’s “just this once” or “just one bite” has been telling you that same crap for years. Maybe even decades.
Look where it’s gotten you.
There’s always gonna be some bull crap excuse to leap off the wagon.
If you want your weight off once and for all, you’ve gotta learn to stop listening to that voice and focusing on how amazing it’s gonna be to live the rest of your life without all that fat, sickness, and misery.
Buckle down and get your weight off. You ain’t gonna die if you don’t pig out on hot dogs and watermelon.
Special occasions do NOT have to revolve around food. Food can be present, and we can enjoy it, without everything revolving around it.
Time to choose a better way…a way that may just save us, and our kids, and their kids, from this epidemic of fat, sickness, and misery.