The vast majority of western society’s health care providers are trained to treat disease with drugs.
Food, if it’s brought up at all, is an afterthought at best.
If medical professionals are taught anything about nutrition, or do recommend it, nine times out of ten it’s the de-bunked and outdated low-fat, “healthy whole grains” bullcrap dietary guidelines responsible for our nation’s current obesity epidemic and health crisis.
(Our medical providers mean well and have our best interests at heart. Most just don’t know what they don’t know.)
For those reasons, a lot of people who come to the Code Red Lifestyle™ are on medications.
And many are even hoping to eliminate the need to take medication (which has happened for a LOT of Rebels).
But there are a few things about medications I wanna make crystal clear, so you don’t accidentally hurt yourself.
Medications aren’t Flintstones vitamins. They’re powerful drugs, and we need to remember that at all times, especially if you’re currently taking any.
If you join Code Red and you’re on medication, stay in close contact with your doctor, because as you lose your weight, and as your body recovers from inflammation, your medication may very well need adjusted.
Get your doctor’s help with that. Going cold turkey off mediations, or adjusting them to an incorrect dosage, can be very dangerous to your health.
Pay special attention if you’re on medication for diabetes, thyroid, or high blood pressure.
If you’re diabetic, remember that on Code Red, we eat foods that barely trigger insulin, so monitor your blood sugars closely, and be prepared to talk with your doctor about adjusting your medication.
Feeling weak and dizzy are common symptoms of an electrolyte imbalance (which is totally normal on Code Red and very easy to remedy), but they can also be symptoms of taking more medication than you need, now that you’ve lost some weight.
Whether you’ll get to reduce your medication, or eliminate it entirely, depends on your particular health problems, and which medications you’re taking.
It’s certainly a possibility.
But make sure you communicate with your doctor about it at all times. NEVER try to “wing it.”