My Certified Coaches and I get a lot of Facebook friend requests from our clients, and we’ve noticed that some clients seem to forget that if we accept their friend requests, it’s not just them seeing our stuff. We can see their stuff, too.
Recently one of my Certified Coaches caught a client of hers–with whom she was also Facebook friends–in a picture, on this person’s Facebook page, of that person eating foods not approved for weight loss mode.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, this client was flat-out lying to my Certified Coach, saying the reason she wasn’t losing weight is because she’s “not sleeping.”
Lack of sleep is a convenient excuse for someone who wants to lie and sneak around, because there’s no way my Certified Coaches and I can be sure whether this person’s telling the truth.
Lying like that was not only cowardly, it threw back in my Coach’s face the time, energy, and love they’ve invested in this person.
It also made a mockery of all the clients who are staying on track, as well as the ones who’re struggling but at least being honest about it.
And most frustrating of all, this client is lying to themselves.
Shoving your head back in the sand–or refusing to extract it from the sand in the first place–plays a huge part in why we get fat and sick in the first place.
You won’t get on the scale. When your clothes get tighter, you tell yourself they’re “making the clothes smaller.” Or you just walk around in clothing that’s so tight it’s uncomfortable because you refuse to buy the next size up. Maybe you even use a rubber band to keep your jeans buttoned.
You tell yourself that getting fat and sick is “just a part of getting older,” while you’re sitting there inhaling half a bag of Oreos, followed by a bag of Doritos and a pint of ice cream.
Look, I get that it’s hard to face the music. I have yet to meet someone who enjoys it. I don’t like it either!
But ignoring the problem doesn’t make it go away. And the longer you ignore it, the worse it gets.
Facing the music doesn’t have to be about beating yourself up or feeling “wrong” (another thing nobody enjoys!).
That’s not what it should be about anyway.
No, facing the music is about taking control.
It’s about recognizing–without judgment–that whatever’s going on is, or could be, a problem.
And then you make the decision to do something about that problem, and you act on that decision.
Lying to yourself–or to me or to your Certified Coach, if you’re in one of my coaching groups–is the worst thing you can do to yourself.
Starting right now, let’s put an end to that. Be honest with yourself. If you choose to cheat, or continue eating foods that are making you fat and sick, do it with your eyes wide open. Do it knowing that you have a choice in the matter, and this is what you’re choosing.
Do that, even if your choices still aren’t great, and I just bet that one day, not too far from now, you’ll decide, “I’m not going to do this to myself this anymore.”
On that day, come find the Code Red Lifestyle™, and get the tools, education, and support you need to take your life back.