Can you imagine lying in the bathtub at age nine, holding the roll of fat bulging from your tummy, and dreaming a doctor would cut it off for you and you’d look like the other girls in your class?
Can you imagine, also at age nine, always asking yourself, “What did I do wrong to deserve this?” (“This” being obesity.)
Leisha doesn’t have to imagine it, because she lived it.
And yet, even after battling her weight her entire life, she lost an astonishing amount of weight on the Code Red Lifestyle…starting with a 10 Pound Takedown.
Click below to learn exactly how much weight that was; what Leisha thought of Code Red when she first heard about it; what else she tried to lose weight before Code Red; and how her life has changed since she took her life back from fat, sickness, and misery on the Code Red Lifestyle!