My husband, Miles went to Spain earlier this month, and this time he went without me.
That was by choice, because I didn’t want to go.
On the day he left, we were standing there as he got ready to leave, when he up and told me he didn’t want to go without me, and that he would miss me.
It caught me off guard, because Miles isn’t someone who usually says that kind of stuff.
I started to cry a little (in a good way!), and he gave me a hug. It really meant a lot to me that he said it.
I guess it goes to show that you never know, for sure, what someone’s thinking.
It doesn’t help that your mind loves to jump in with the worst-case scenario, does it?
It’s SO freaking easy to not even notice when your mind is going down that worst-case scenario rabbit hole.
Next thing you know, you’ve worked yourself into a frenzy or a meltdown, and created a problem that’s only there because you created it.
This experience with Miles reminded me of how easy it is to assume stuff about other people…even people we know really well.
People assume all kinds of weird or completely wrong stuff about me. It comes with the territory, doing what I do, and that’s partly because of human nature. We cram our own assumptions into places where they don’t belong.
When I DO catch myself making assumptions, and actually ask the other person what they’re really thinking or feeling, well, sometimes I’m spot on, and other times I’m totally off. As the saying goes, you have a 50% chance of either being right, or being wrong!
Today, I wanna challenge you to one thing:
Next time you catch yourself making an assumption about what someone else is thinking, doing, or feeling, stop the runaway “worst-case scenario” train and ask them. See what happens.
“But Cristy, what if I’m right and it IS the worst-case scenario?”
What if it not only isn’t the worst case scenario, it’s the BEST case scenario?
Think it over.
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