Is there anything more disgusting than skim milk?
I guess it’s better than eating cockroaches.
Either way, the whole reason I bring it up is because we’ve all lived for decades with the lie that “fat = bad” drilled into us.
We buy dairy products with half (or all) the fat removed, look for low-fat “snack foods,” and even worry about eating nutrient-dense foods like avocados and eggs just because they’re high in fat.
On a low-fat diet, the food we do gag down isn’t filling. Plus it tastes so terrible and boring, we know there’s no way we’re eating like this for the rest of our lives. And to top it all off, we’re still fat, sick, and miserable!
It’s definitely a Catch-22.
Code Red’s a high-fat lifestyle, and for people still tangled up in the “fat = bad” bull crap, it’s a heck of a paradigm shift.
But my video below is gonna help you understand why fat’s not only great for weight loss, it’s great for SO many other things.
Fat’s been demonized for decades because, in the 1950s, a biologist named Ancel Keyes cared more about being right than he did about accurate science.
(If you’ve been on a challenge and did the Day 5 homework, you know what I mean.) The story behind our distrust of fats is not a pretty one, and it’s directly responsible for the low-fat craze that got us into this “big, fat mess.”
Look, we can’t change the past.
But we can take control of our future, and get the facts about fat…
As well as the facts about what’s actually responsible for our exploding waistlines and sky-high disease rates.
Watch my video below to get the TRUTH about fat, and why it’s a vital part of your diet:
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