Is it possible to eat too many eggs?

“Cristy, is it possible to drink too much water?”

“Cristy, is it possible to get too much sleep?”

“Cristy, is it possible to eat too much fat?”

I get at least one of these three “too much” questions on nearly every live Q&A I do.

On a recent Q&A hosted by my sister, Cari, an RN MSN who works for Code Red, someone asked a new one:

“Is it possible to eat too many eggs?”

The answer to all these questions is YES…because common sense tells us it’s possible to eat or drink “too much” of anything.

How much is “too much” depends on how much we’re talking about.

Are you eating 100 eggs a day?

Are you drinking twelve gallons of water a day?

Are you sleeping 20 hours a day?

Are you eating 5000 grams of fat a day?

See what I mean? Without knowing how much is too much, I can’t tell you if the amount you’re eating is “too much.” Plus, like I said, it’s possible to eat or drink too much of anything.

When someone asks me one of these “too much” questions, it’s almost always for one of the following reasons:

1) They’re eating (or drinking) more than I recommend of something, and wondering if they can get away with it.

2) They’re eating (or drinking) more than they’re used to, and are worried about it and looking for reassurance.

3) A friend or family member is “worried” about them, and they’re asking me to find out whether their friend/family member’s worry is justified.

Bottom line: Yes, you can eat too much of anything, including eggs.

How many eggs are too many for you depends on you and your goals.

For the record: Eggs are a staple on Code Red, but if you’re allergic to them, or they bother you in some way, don’t eat them.

If eggs agree with you, it still doesn’t mean you can inhale a dozen a day if you’re trying to lose weight. The quality of food matters a lot, but quantity matters, too if you’re looking to get extra body fat off your body.

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