“Healthy whole grains.”
They make up the base of the food pyramid (now called “My Plate”), and we’re told we need 6 to 11 servings of them PER DAY.
There are several problems with this, and the results are ballooning waistlines and skyrocketing chronic conditions.
I get why you don’t wanna stop eating grains. They’re pretty tasty, and the more of them you eat, the more you crave. You’re probably addicted to them.
“I’m not an addict, Cristy?”
Yeah? Addicts say they can stop consuming the substance they’re addicted to anytime they want. Does that sound like you when it comes to eating grains?
Listen, it’s 100% your decision whether to continue eating grains, or clean up your diet for 30 days on a 10 Pound Takedown and see if you lose weight and feel better.
A couple things for you to consider.
First of all, there’s no such thing as a “healthy” whole grain these days. There’s supposedly a lot of “science” out there that says otherwise, but consider the following.
If I eat grains, my body hurts and my weight goes up.
“Well, that’s just you, Cristy.”
Nope, it’s not. Thousands of my clients–tens of thousands–who eliminate grains, then reintroduce them to see what happens, experience symptoms and/or weight jumps, too.
The biggest problems with grains these days are: 1: Wheat, especially (but not exclusively) has been hybridized. It’s also mutated naturally over thousands of years.
Between these two changes, modern-day wheat is not the wheat it used to be. It’s a LOT harder on your body.
This is doubly true when you factor in how much wheat people are exposed to these days–both knowingly, and unknowingly.
Wheat’s not just in wheat-based foods, like bread, cereal, and pasta. It’s added to all kinds of processed foods.
Gluten, the a protein found in wheat, is not only added to processed foods AND foods where it doesn’t naturally occur, it’s added to non-food products like shampoo, cosmetics, pet foods–even baby food.
Using mainstream products and eating all these processed foods with wheat added is subjecting us to SO much more wheat than our bodies are equipped to handle.
In addition to being highly inflammatory, wheat spikes insulin levels worse than many candy bars, and as you’ve heard me say, you cannot lose weight in the presence of insulin.
When your body’s already riddled with inflammation, eating grains–especially wheat–makes it worse.
When you’ve lost all your weight and your body’s had a chance to recover, you might be able to reintroduce certain grains, and on occasion, enjoy them again if you want.
Only you can decide whether losing your weight, feeling better, and being free of all the problems your weight and health cause you is worth omitting grains from your diet.
“But don’t grains have nutrients?”
Nothing you can’t get from meats, vegetables, nuts, eggs, seeds, seafood, and dietary fat.
“What about fiber??”
Vegetables have plenty of fiber.
There’s ZERO benefit to eating wheat these days. You don’t need it for nutrients OR fiber.
And by eating it on a regular basis, you’re all but guaranteeing your body stays in a highly inflamed state.
Inflammation doesn’t just feed into obesity. It feeds pain and disease, too.
The great news is, when you switch to a diet of sleep, water, and meat, vegetables, nuts, eggs, seeds, seafood, and dietary fat, your body’s level of inflammation immediately begin to drop.
It’s why so many people who live the Code Red Lifestyle™ experience not just weight loss, but increased energy, mental clarity, less pain (or pain leaves entirely), their blood sugars stabilize, and SO much more.
You can experience results like those…or you can keep eating grains.
It’s totally your call.
I’m a firm believer you can do anything for 30 days, so here’s my challenge to you if you’re worried about “giving up” grains.
Join the 10 Pound Takedown and try it my way for the FULL 30 days.
If you don’t lose weight and feel SO much better, hey, go back to eating grains.
The decision is yours.
Get started on Code Red with the 30-day 10 Pound Takedown Challenge, where you can lose 10 pounds in 30 days and feel better than you have in years. Join the challenge at www.10PoundTakedown.com.