I wouldn’t have been caught dead in this

Before she lost all her weight with Code Red, Angi told me, “I wouldn’t have been caught dead in these shorty shorts and swimming suit.”

But after dropping 31 pounds on the Code Red Lifestyle™, it’s a different story. “I was soooo excited to go to the pool didn’t have any fear to do so this time,” she added about her first time getting into a swimsuit once she hit goal weight.

➡️ You might read that and assume the reason for Angi’s freedom from fear is 100% the weight loss. Nope.

➡️ It’s because she now loves herself—both inside AND outside. “I am sooo incredibly proud of the person I have become and for hitting my goal weight,” Angi said.

Picture it: Every summer for the rest of your life where you’re EXCITED to put on short shorts and a swimming suit. Sound good?

Then join me for the next 10 Pound Takedown by clicking the red button below!