Let’s just admit it: Everyone loves the idea of a quick fix, right?
All the results, none of the effort. Have your cake and eat it, too.
Humanity’s desire for the quick fix has led to some pretty amazing innovations that make our way of life easier. We strive for better, faster, more efficient – anything that gives us advantages.
But like everything in life, there’s another side to it.
We can take it too far, to where the quick fix not only doesn’t work, it actually hurts us.
Case in point: Weight loss fads.
See, weight loss is not complicated, anymore than putting fuel in a car is a complicated.
You put the right fuel in your car, maintain it, and it pretty much runs the way it’s supposed to. If you don’t do those things, it doesn’t.
The human body works the same way. Give it the fuel it needs, and it functions how it’s supposed to. Put fuel into it that harms it, stop taking care of it, and it breaks down.
And as much as you may want it to, a magic diet pill isn’t gonna change that. Neither are shake powders, mail-order Frankenfoods, or weight loss surgery.
Your body’s still your body. It still needs real food, water, and sleep. Sugar and chemicals still hurt it.
So yeah, I get that the latest “secret” superfood, supplement, shake, juice, powder – whatever – is exciting.
But it’s not gonna change what your body needs (and doesn’t need), anymore than you thinking your car that designed to run on gasoline should run on soda. It doesn’t.
If this is hard to hear, I get it. The truth often is.
The truth is also what sets you free.
In the case of weight loss, it means you can stop circling the weight loss mountain in search of the next useless quick fix.
Instead, you can go straight for the solution that’s always been there – the one people who’re happy to sell you another useless quick fix would rather you not see:
You eat real food. You drink water. You sleep. You stop eating the foods that are poisoning you into sickness and obesity.
Like I said: Simple.
To learn which foods to eat and which foods to avoid for safe, effective weight loss that’s designed to work with your body instead of against it, click the button below to join the 10 Pound Takedown.