92: I Can’t With The Word CAN’T!

What Is This Episode About…

This is a word that needs to be eradicated from your vocabulary. Never say, “I can’t…” whether it be “I can’t afford” or “I can’t find the time” or “I can’t find the energy…” it’s all bullcrap. You can, but you choose not to. Change your mindset around that contraction, “I CAN’T.” Because it’s creating a LACK mentality.

When we say we can’t, we take away our own power and ability. It is a defeatist mentality that disempowers us, and nothing good can come from it. Don’t take away your power with this way of thinking. You have the ability to make it work!

You will never achieve something great if you keep using ‘I can’t.’ These words and the mentality permeates your whole life. We hear it all the time with our custom programs. People will say they can’t afford it, yet they go ahead spend their money on fast food and other crap.

It all comes down to what you consider important. If you want it badly enough, you’ll find the money, the time, and the energy to do it. And this applies to almost everything in life. It’s all about the sacrifices you are willing to make to get to it.

Click Play on this episode and hear Cristy ad Cari encourage you to eradicate ‘I Cant’ from your vocabulary and teach you what to say instead to empower yourself!

Key Takeaways

  • Fighting the lack mentality ingrained in us growing up (04:48)
  • It’s all about what you value (10:03)
  • It’s all about the sacrifices you are willing to make to get it (16:13)
  • You have the ability to make it work (18:25)
  • If it is important enough for you, you’ll find a way to do it (24:10)
  • Why saying you can’t take away your power (29:39)

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When Was It Released…

This episode was released December 23, 2020

Episode Transcript…

The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors


Cristy  0:00  

I would encourage you to eradicate that from your vocabulary, take it completely out, do not say it yourself. And do not allow your kids to say it even though it might be benign. Just get it out to where it’s not even close to your mind. I can’t afford I don’t have time you know that. It’s just what you choose to not spend your time, money and energy on. Don’t say the word I can.


Intro  0:23  

I’m  Code Red and you’re listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle where we believe food holds the power to heal or poison. And we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight up truth, because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.


Cristy  0:50  

Welcome back to rebel weight loss and lifestyle. I’m your host  Code Red author, entrepreneur, retired professional boxer and I’m here with Cari Thompson, co registered nurse, and so much fun and my sister so you hear me saying sis. That’s why


Cari  1:04  

I think some people that don’t know us Chrissy, that after I correspond with them via email, they’ll be like, I didn’t know you were sisters. So we gotta either I don’t know if I should put that in my on my email, footer.


Cristy  1:20  

Well, Mom, Mom, I always worry about people finding out like the mom works in customer service, and that you work because I don’t want them to ever message my family members for things that don’t pertain to like, I don’t know, I just don’t want them to use it. You know, so and mom’s so nice. She would just both just be like, Hey, can I get ‘s personal home address. I can drive to her house and you know, like


Cari  1:43  

over come over to mama carols for coffee.


Cristy  1:46  

Yeah, right. Hey, Cari. I don’t know if you noticed, but I am wearing the Christmas present. And I tilt the camera down here. I am wearing the Christmas present for the code red certified coaches, a red fleece jacket. They’re all customized. It says coach and then their name on it. And so I got one for myself. And you guys, I asked you. I asked Cari. I was like Cari, would you like one two? And she goes, Oh, no. I was super glad she was honest with me because these suckers are expensive.


Cari  2:16  

No, I know. And I do like it now that I see you wearing it. But I just I love I’m not wearing right now. But I love my coat red Polo, my coach Polo and I love my coat red shirts. And I actually do wear them all the time. Also, Cristy is spoiling Christmas gifts. Why would you do that?


Unknown Speaker  2:33  

What do I do?


Unknown Speaker  2:34  

You’re telling what the Christmas gift


Cristy  2:36  

is? By the time this airs, they’re already gonna have it.


Unknown Speaker  2:39  

Well, I feel like you’re kind of a cheater.


Cristy  2:44  

Maybe I should have wrapped up this for myself. I mean, they’re so gorgeous. And they’re clear. And I love them. So by the time this airs, this will air after Christmas and better hope. Yeah, I know that the Christmas party for the staff, the coaches and the leaders is at my house. And it’s so much fun. I can’t wait for them to open it up. And they’ve been asking about a fleece jacket. So I like to get something nice and personalized for them for Christmas. So that’s nice. It’s beautiful. Thank you. So guys, thank you for thanks for joining us on this episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle. We appreciate all your ratings and reviews. And we also appreciate you sharing the podcast with people in your life. Thank you because of that reason, and because of you were ranked really high and and that just means a lot to me is so much fun for us is to free resources, a great chance for you to get great information. And I love Cari and I are big podcast fans, like we love to listen to our own, and then we talk about them. We do.


Cari  3:39  

And sometimes our mother gets caught in the middle of


Cristy  3:41  

those discussions.


Unknown Speaker  3:43  

She’s like, Hi, just wondering what you guys were having for dinner. Yeah.


Cristy  3:48  

Did you hear about the efficacy of vitamin D therapy for this or that? You know, and my mom is like,


Unknown Speaker  3:53  

so I had a steak.


Cristy  3:55  

Yeah, and we’re like let’s talk about gluten fly on and then your mom’s like so I took a nap today. It was a poor mom we had we just need to talk about cuz it gets so excited about things that we learn on podcast so we do get excited about things you learn on this podcast. And today. Oh, we’re coming in hot. Oh, this is strike. This strikes a chord with both of us. Because we can’t with the word can’t. Oh,


Cari  4:23  

. I am so tired. I am so tired of this lack mentality of this. Can’t just the word Can’t I want to slap it off some people’s faces. Lord forgive me, Lord, forgive me. I do I want to slap it off because it is a complete fallacy and a myth. And I learned this from you.


Cristy  4:48  

Yeah, and let’s, let’s just back it up. Well, let me back it up and give you guys a little bit of context here. Okay, okay. Cari and I were raised in the mountains of northern Idaho on a big round. 75 acres absolutely gorgeous with farm animals. The problem is if you have a farm with chickens and pigs and horses and cows and dogs and cats, and three growing children, there ain’t much money left over for other things. And so all the money my parents, our parents made, which wasn’t much, they didn’t believe in credit, they didn’t believe in putting things on credit and going into debt over things. So all the money they did make went to our family farm, therefore, there wasn’t any money leftover. So Cari and I were thrilled to get hand me down clothes from from our rich cousins in Twin Falls. And we were thrilled for hammy down, you know, for fixer upper cars, we were just real, but we didn’t have any money. And so the problem is our parents raised us the way their parents raised them. And they are doing they were doing the best they can you know, us do the best you can with your kids, right? And we were raised in my opinion, Cari might not agree but with a lack mentality, it was very much you get what you get, and you don’t picture fit. That was always the the kind of the funny little saying that we you get what you get, you don’t get your fit. Cari and I have numerous stories where we were, have done certain jobs that weren’t paid fairly for, or and we weren’t taught off, negotiate fairly, you know, and my parents never said anything, or we were accused of something at school that we didn’t do. But my parents always sided with the adult and we didn’t get it. You just you didn’t really negotiate or argue. And so we had a very lack mentality. There wasn’t a lot of push in our family to be something great. I mean, if we if one of us said I wanted to be a fighter pilot, certainly our parents would never say anything. Like you can’t do they would never say that. But they wouldn’t, right. They didn’t say like you could be the first female president of the United States. It just was kind of like yeah, you get married, you have kids, you be you know, you go to work, you punch a time clock in there was just not a whole lot more.


Cari  6:48  

The mentality was definitely different. And I don’t blame our parents for that, because that is what they were taught. And I think that even until I started to work for you, , even though I had, you know, the three college degrees and the experience in it, but out there in life, I still had this idea. And I found myself saying a lot. Well, we can’t afford that. Well, we can’t do this, well, we can’t go on a cruise. We can’t buy a new car. We can’t this we can’t that and I found my whole life. Even when I want to get a master’s degree, ah, a master’s degree. It was just this idea of this word can’t permeated my whole entire life. And let me tell you guys, it’s insidious. It happens very slow. It’s like a slow growing cancer. And you don’t even realize it’s there until somebody points it out to you. And then when they do, you’re like,


Unknown Speaker  7:42  

ooh, I totally do that.


Unknown Speaker  7:45  

Do you know what I mean? It’s Yeah,


Cristy  7:47  

yeah. And I know, my mom tells her story about me when I was really little. And I would say, I can’t, I can’t, and I had a little Lisp. And I say, I can’t, I can’t. And mom finally heard me saying that. And finally, she said, You are not Cristy, I can’t you are Cristy, I can. And I always believed I could, however, I still had that lack mentality. Maybe I didn’t use that word as much. But up until I had turned 40. In Natasha, my business coach said to me, You will never make millions and reach millions. With this lack mentality that you have, you’re gonna have to get this out of control under control. And so I really, I have that same mentality up until my 40s. And I’m only 44. So I really haven’t had it under control for very long.


Cari  8:31  

It’s a hard thing to recognize. And it’s a hard thing to get control over my son who is 21. And we’ve talked about him previously on this podcast, purchasing his first home. He wanted to get a chiropractic adjustment, and then I suggested you get a massage and another chiropractic adjustment. Now, this is silly guys. I was saying to him, Chase, you really should get a massage and then another adjustment. And he didn’t say I can’t afford that. Because he can’t afford it. He said, I really, I don’t think I want to take that out of my budget right now. Completely legit. That is different than him saying, Mom, I can’t afford it. I can’t afford it, Mum. Yeah, you can. He just isn’t choosing to spend his money on that. And I because of Cristy pointing what Natasha pointed out in Cristy and then what Cristy has had the opportunity to point out me has changed my life. I don’t know if you know that Cristy, but it really I don’t even know if you know, but it has changed my way of thinking. It’s changed my vocabulary it really has. Now I say that’s not something for our budget right now. Or that’s not what we’re planning to do with that money or we have other like you said Barbie nickel that just won’t do you know, that’s just not something we’re doing right now. Can I go on a cruise with Brandon tomorrow? Yes. Are we going to know we have other goals right now that we’re trying to achieve? That’s really the bottom line on that.


Cristy  10:03  

And this word can’t can be inserted in a lot of different areas. My biggest pet peeve is when it comes down to money and finances. When people say the word I can’t afford. It triggers me because I hear it a lot with custom programs or custom programs are fully customized 90 days comes with 90 days working with our coaching staff working in a private coaching group. It comes with a fully customized program where you get your customized numbers. You it’s just very, very in depth way too. And you can we can tell you exactly how much you can lose weight. Exactly. It’s very, very detailed. And it’s 997 $997. And we think it comes with a package and instructional video. There’s so many deliverables. It’s a screaming deal. Of course, I think it is, especially when you can lose 10% of your body weight every month, and never go around this weight loss mountain again, which means if you happen to gain some way back, then you pull out your custom pro you have it forever. And so when I hear people say, I can’t afford a custom program, I mean, it really triggers me because I see the same people going through McDonald’s drive thru four nights a week I see the same people have an $8.26 karma macchiato. I see the same people ordering multiple drinks at dinner. I see the same people spending money on cigarettes and smoking pot. And it’s so hard for me because they do have the money.


Cari  11:24  

It’s all about where you choose to spend it what you value. He has said it for years since I’ve been working for her. It is all about Yes, you have the money. It’s all about where you choose to spend it. And  I want to talk about a non money thing because I the money thing bugs me because you pointed out and I realized how much I was doing it. But just the other day I had a non money thing happened to me. And it really bothered me. Of course, this is another example my daughter doing long division, but I can’t Yes, you can. Amery. I told her, you control you, you control you, nobody else controls you. What is 12 times four? Okay, we’re talking COVID teaching folks, she’s gonna have to learn to carry the one. Okay. But here is an example of I can’t. So in my life here in Kentucky, I don’t talk about Code Red  24. Seven out in public, not that I’m ashamed of it. But a lot of people don’t understand what we do. And so I just tell them, kind of just give them the, you know, the church on Sunday morning, shake your hand kind of short version of what I do, , I’ve seen Cristy do this for years. She doesn’t go, oh my gosh. Now if someone wants to know, she’ll go into great detail, and we’ve had some amazing pop up conversations with people. So I think I do believe that Cristy goes through the same thing I do. So in my exercise class, not everyone knows what I do. They kind of know. Well, the other day, we were exercising, obviously not very hard if we were talking and someone said to me, I mean, you don’t eat carbs. And I said, I’m just like, why do we have to have this conversation like I if I’m talking I need to be lifting heavier weights? And I said, well, it’s Yeah, we do eat carbs. We just don’t eat certain types of carbs. We focus on this and that I kind of did the, the, you know, welcome to Jesus version of it. And she’s like, I couldn’t do that. And I’m telling you, Cristy, it struck me It almost kind of made me mad. I couldn’t do that. And I looked at her. And I said, Yeah, you could. And she looked at me because I don’t usually do that. She’s and I said, Yeah, you could. And she’s like, I don’t know how anybody does that. And I said, it’s all about what’s important to you, folks, those of you that are going to custom program. Those of you that have lost 5060 7080 120 pounds. You did it. It was all about you making it a priority. And I did say to her, I was still a little sassy, Chrissy. I said well, it just doesn’t hurt bad enough. I mean, she wants to lose 10 pounds, it doesn’t hurt. She’s not going to give up popcorn at night for 10 pounds. It’s not worth it to her some of you it’s worth it. Do you know and I think that that’s the difference the caveat there, or when I got mad and then I had to talk about it on the way home to Cristy.


Cristy  14:15  

Yeah. Oh, it is it’s amazing how I and I know totally and here’s another non financial thing that happened happens to me a lot. As we all know and a lot of you guys listening to this right now exercise is not a way to address your weight problem exercises phenomenal for many different reasons. And Kerri and I both exercise every day. And when when we you do reach goal weight and you do get moved into our maintenance group. We do introduce you to an exercise program and we want you to develop that side of your life. But we don’t confuse we get all the weight off of you first. And so what I noticed is when people come into the meet to our maintenance group, I want them to give me a goal picture of someone they want to look like and that way I can see kind of what their goals And I can tell them, what’s it what it’s going to take for them to get there and how long it will take. And so a lot of people, they’ll submit a picture and they’ll say, well, this would be my ultimate goal. But they’re, I can’t I can’t get there. There’s no way I can look like this. And I’m just like, No, no, no, hold on. No, hold on, hold on. Like, are you going to have the taut skin? The taut tight skin of a 19 year old? And you’re 66? No, but just a minute, you know, and I, they all they automatically give up. They just give it up. Now. There’s no way I can. I’ve had three kids, there’s no way I can look like this. Well, just a minute, just hold on a minute, hold on, and they give up on themselves all the time. I get people that messaged me on Instagram. Sometimes I post pictures of working out or mostly push ups because I’m a big fan of doing push ups, like little micro bursts throughout the day. And people will say, Oh, I can’t a lady said to me that day curious. She said last night she said this to me, Oh, I can’t do push ups. And I said why? And she said I’ve had meniscus surgery. And I said so on your knee. Like It disgusts me. Am I getting you know? And so she said, Yeah, and I go, Well, what is happening with push ups? No, I can’t I can’t put any pressure on it. Well then only put pressure on the other knee and literally lift that one up. I just in my mind, you find a way to make it work.


Cari  16:13  

It’s all about the sacrifices you are willing to make to get to it. There really truly is. No, I can’t. Because Chrissy even in the gym, when I have thought I literally don’t know if I could lift my arm one more time. I could still live my arm one more time. Now, again, I am not doing you know, barbell back squats of 350 pounds. And I’m I’m not maxing out my weight every day. I do think there is a physical I can’t let’s be honest, because you’ll blow out a knee and we’ve seen those horrible things. But I’m almost sure most everyone listening to this ain’t one of the world’s strongest women competitors. So it doesn’t apply to us. Even when you don’t think you can. You still can more than you know, we take away our power. Chrissy when we say the words, I can’t, we take away our own empowerment, we take away our own ability and we’re throwing those words out into the universe, believe it or not, they’re not going to bring back good things.


Cristy  17:19  

My old boxing coach never allowed that word in the gym. My old boxing coach only allowed like it just anything but I can show in boxing, we always do like one more round, it’s always one more round, you always have one more round and you because you never want to get to the point where you are. Because the fight is going to be much easier than the training I mean, the fight and if you always do that extra round and training that last round of the fight, there’s not gonna you’re not gonna have any problem getting through it. But I know that, you know, in boxing and a lot of sports, they’ll just max you out, you go to failure and like Kris Gethin says failure is that you could not push out one more rep, even if you had a gun to your head. That’s what failure that’s true failure. And that’s the way that my boxing coach and my boxing coach didn’t allow the word can’t. He always like he let me say, I’m done. And I got to kind of like, like, but it had to be I had to really be done. I had to be like, I can’t I literally could not go another step harder. But I wasn’t allowed to say, I can’t do another round. You know, I wasn’t allowed to use those words. I had to actually say the word Alright, I’m done, or That’s it, or Okay, or something.


Cari  18:25  

He wouldn’t even allow the words I can’t. Because he told a story about someone she was working with working out with that actually laid on the ground and didn’t keep going. And she was just wild. She folks, don’t do that working out. Don’t do that with your eating. Don’t do that with your finances. Don’t do that with your relationships. Don’t just lay down and let it happen. You have the ability to make it work. Even when you don’t think you can pack out one more meal and weigh it measure it. Even when you don’t think you can eat one more thing off the list. Yes, you can don’t take away your power. I was so aggravated at this person that said that to me. I just can’t. Well, of course you can’t. You just said that. There was a song when we were kids that said, Keep on casting your bread upon the water soon it’s going to come back comb on every wave


Cristy  19:25  

Imperials right click


Cari  19:26  

and keep on casting.


Cristy  19:29  

Yeah, the Imperium.


Cari  19:31  

So when you cast out those thoughts and those feelings and those sayings, they do come back whether you’re a Christian or you’re a Buddhist, or you’re a Zen Master, I don’t care what your religion is. Everyone believes in this idea of energy going out and energy coming back to you. So when you say things and when I say things like I just I can’t afford that house. I can’t afford that car. No, I’m choosing to make different choices. I’m choosing to make a different choice in my finances right now. I you know, I will wanting something done with my face, and I was gonna, I was gonna tell Cristy the other day boy I’d like to have that ever saved my money. I almost said, Gosh, I just don’t know if I can afford that. But instead of that I said to Cristy, I’m gonna see if I can find that in the budget. I’m going to start saving my money towards that. And it was it changed my mind about it. Now whether I do it or not, I don’t know. But it’s not a no, no, no, it’s uh, okay. Let’s see, let’s look at this. Let’s talk about it. Is this plausible? Now? A lot of you are saying out there Cristy and Cari, you don’t get it? Because you guys, you know, maybe you have this. Maybe you have that? I mean, people you don’t I mean, no one really knows what Cristina’s financial situation is or anything. But the truth is, is that we been there when our parents did not have the budget for anything. And I started work when I was 11. Cristy started working shortly thereafter. So we do understand working hard, we do understand, coming from nothing. We completely understand that and we haven’t forgotten our roots. I don’t want that this is not a talk about go out and buy a Ferrari. This is a talk about a mentality. It’s about a mindset. I don’t have to stay in that trailer and orofino in the way I think I don’t have to Cristy and even when I had all my education until you pointed out I still had that orofino trailer mentality and I By the way, if you live a trailing orofino I’m not talking about about you. I’m just talking about that mentality, mentality way of thinking, girls, we can’t buy you basketball shoes. Well, yeah, there probably was a way and I’m not criticizing our parents, but I’m just saying I have been that poor. I’ve been so poor that I’ve had to return things to Walmart to have enough money to feed my kids. Yeah, so I’ve been there so I don’t want any I mean, a lot of you might be saying and mee mee mee mee mee Well, let me tell you, I go out there and muck muck my


Cristy  21:52  

my chicken barn and I don’t pay anybody to do it.


Cari  21:55  

Cristy does it when she’s here.


Cristy  21:58  

So I remember specifically being when I lived in New York City being so broken so poor that mom and dad had to overnight me elk meat for me and my dog, however then, but then I still found $3.99 to get a pound of peanut m&ms every single night, on my way to work. And an example Cari and I know somebody who always talks about what she can’t afford, but since she smokes, it’s like well, wait a minute, you know, you can you can afford those. What do you know, I just show and I’ll tell you something had to happen years ago, so years ago, when I was the only one doing Code Red . I would do it Neil. And I didn’t know any other way to do it. Like on the internet. I did it one on one where there was a lady that I knew years ago who wanted to do the one on one program well to spend and I’m talking I coached them 16 hours a day one on one. And it was 20 $500 for a three months with me 16 $100 or so, you know, like a really extensive program. And she said, Oh, yeah, I can’t afford that. And this is before I had a lot of confidence. So it took me a lot of confidence to say what I’m getting ready said, I said, I said she goes Oh, I can’t afford that. Well, anyway, this Okay, nevermind. And she goes, Can I at least make payments to you? And I said no, I’m sorry. All Programs are paid in full upfront. And she goes, Okay, well, maybe next time I’ll thanks anyway. And I’m not kidding you an hour later, she called up and said, Okay, I found the money. Oh, and paid in full 20 $500 I’m gonna say it again, I


Cari  23:26  

have learned so much from you. If I were the only


Cristy  23:30  

one right in this company, I’d have been like, Hey, man,


Cari  23:35  

I am so glad. And I’m not even just saying this because we’re on this podcast.


Cristy  23:39  

Because if you want to pause it, I would say it


Cari  23:41  

anyway. But I have learned so much from you. And I just, I didn’t take crap off people to begin with. But man, I have learned the right way to the right way to handle that stuff. And you’re right, you will find the time, the energy, the money, the resources, the willpower, the to do the motivation, all of that you will find it if you just if it if it hurts bad enough, if it’s important enough to you,


Cristy  24:08  

you I was gonna say important. It’s important. That’s the thing if you want it bad enough, it’s important enough you value that whatever you value, you will find the life or just like that girl will find the money for the cigarettes, but won’t find the money for you know, and you’ll find you find the money for Carmen macchiato and cakepops but you won’t put that money in a jar and save it for $1,000 Custom program. So it’s just so funny to me. And boy, people get mad because I will say back to them. I get a little over 100 DMS a day on Insta on Instagram, and I answer them all myself and I get a lot of that where people will say I can’t afford and I just I give it right back to them. No, it’s not that you can’t afford it’s that you don’t you just don’t value it enough to find the money in it to find the money to pay for it and they get so mad they’ll fire back up me and said You don’t know my life. You don’t know what’s going on my I just broke my leg. My son just got a DUI and this is a whole bunch of excuses and I just ignore it. Yeah,


Cari  25:01  

it is very true. And it has been, it’s been one of the most change in my mentality. It has been such a huge change. And when I see people still from our family extended and otherwise that still have this idea. Well, I can’t Well, I’d like to, I’d sure like to, but I can’t just say it’s, I’m not doing that right now. Don’t Don’t tell me you can’t Don’t tell me. You can’t.


Unknown Speaker  25:26  

It’s just like chase said,


Cari  25:28  

I’m choosing not to take that out of my budget right now. That is reasonable. That makes sense.


Cristy  25:34  

I’m choosing not to spend money on that. I like to say that too. And it’s not just money. I know, we we’ve been kind of hovering around that. But it’s it’s time. And its resources, its energy. It’s what whatever you put in, you know, if it’s going to see a relative, and we have a couple of relatives that are retired now. And yet they still, I don’t know what their excuses was before it was they didn’t have any time. Well, now they got the time and they ain’t going anywhere. They go visit their, you know, their other relatives. And so I don’t understand, you really can find the time, the money, the resources, the energy for what is important to you.


Cari  26:09  

Absolutely. And I just hate. I can’t I can’t believe you don’t eat carbs, I


Unknown Speaker  26:15  

couldn’t do


Cari  26:16  

that. Well, then don’t complain to me about your weight. Because I don’t want to hear it. Because if I’m talking I’m not working out very hard.


Cristy  26:24  

Right? I would encourage all of you, we would encourage all of you to completely remove that. Those two words. That conjunction? conjunction is if it’s a word that’s two words made the contraction. Thank you. conjunction contraction, either one of them were worked, because nobody would have remembered their eighth grade English. Mrs. Waller. Come on. I wonder if she’s alive. You know, she’s


Cari  26:45  

alive still says I think she is Conjunction Junction.


Cristy  26:48  

What’s your function? That’s right. That’s right. That one, I would encourage you to eradicate that from your vocabulary. Take it completely out. Do not say it yourself. And do not allow your kids to say it even though it might be benign. Just get it out to where it’s not even close to your mind. I can’t afford I don’t have time you know that. It’s just what you choose to not spend your time money and energy on. Don’t say the word I can


Cari  27:12  

let your yeses be yeses and your nose be nose The other day I was complaining to maybe to my sister about I don’t have a lot of friends. And it’s like no carry. It’s not that you can’t have friends. It’s just that you don’t choose to spend time investing in those relationships. Because I would rather just be best friends with my mom, my sister. But it is also something that I had to come to that realization on. Don’t say, I can’t make friends. When you can make friends. You just aren’t choosing to spend your time in that area right


Cristy  27:43  

now. Yeah, yeah, that’s perfect. Nothing. Yes. The same thing as saying anything. It doesn’t matter. You’re talking about money, or time or energy or resources. My painting. I used to paint you guys I used to paint really well. And I haven’t been back to painting for years. And I like one year for Christmas. Everybody got a hand painted painting for me. And it was amazing. And I miss it. And I looked at I walked by my painting room every every day. I’ve got plenty of canvases, plenty of paint plenty of supplies. It’s all set up to I’ve got it all set up and it’s facing the window is really beautiful. And cozy. Come on in. Yeah, yeah, that’s right. It’s always like Cristy Cristy. And I constantly asked myself, why aren’t you painting again? And I have my reasons. But it’s not because I don’t have time. And people People say to me, I know you’re so busy. I’ll say no, I’m really not that busy. Because I choose to spend the time on the things that I really love and that are more that are important to me. I might be booked up more on certain days. I know Mondays and Fridays are my busiest. As far as I booked myself up that way. I don’t have to. I just do it that way. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have time my neighbor asked me to go to lunch with her this coming Friday. And I you didn’t hear me say, Oh, I’m just so busy. I just say yeah, let me let me arrange it. I can’t do it on Tuesday. But I can do it on Friday, are you free at 130. And so you really got to be careful with that word. I can’t with regard to money, time resources.


Cari  29:07  

Amen. It will take over your life. I absolutely have seen this. I have seen it and it breaks my heart. And I’m so glad I was able to recognize it because of Cristy. But I was able to I was able to have some assistance with recognizing it. So consider this your big sister talk. Mm hmm. We’re both talking to you here coming into you through your cars into your homes, to your ear pods or your air pods or your your whatever you have on your head right now. And we are telling you, it’s something you do recognize it and stop doing it.


Cristy  29:39  

Stop doing it, stop saying it. It doesn’t matter if you really don’t have the money for something. But that’s fine. Just stop saying I can’t even if it’s not quite just find a different way find a different phrase because those words have power. And then when you speak those words out you take away your power and so be careful with the words we’re asking you to change the words which is going to change them in Thank you for joining us on this episode of rebel weight loss in lifestyle. We sure love all of you guys, and we can’t wait to see you on our next 10 pound take down. Cari, thank you so much for your help you guys. We’ll talk to you later.


Unknown Speaker  30:12  

Bye, everybody.


Cristy  30:14  

Thanks so much for listening to this episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle. Do you have a question that you’d like me to answer raw and uncut on the podcast? Then all you have to do is head over to Apple podcasts on your phone or computer and do three simple things. leave a rating and review telling me what you think of the podcast. And in that review, ask anything you want related to help weight loss or mindset. And if you want a shout out, leave your Instagram handle or name, that’s all. Then listen in to hear your question answered live raw and uncut on the next q&a episode, so I’ll see you on the next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle.