I was running the trails at Tamarack recently when I rolled my ankle.
To make matters worse, I was 2.3 miles from my cabin, and no one was around.
My options were to:
1) Stay put and hope somebody found me, OR…
2) Limp back to civilization
Neither option was great, but I chose option #2.
Thankfully, my ankle wasn’t seriously injured (though it sure felt like it at first) and I was able to walk it off.
Some people in that circumstance would have stayed put and hoped somebody would come along to save them.
And hey, if I’d broken my leg and there was bone sticking out and I couldn’t move…or if I’d fallen, hit my head, and knocked myself out…then waiting for someone to find me might have been my only option.
But that wasn’t the case, so I got up and started walking…
Because what was the alternative?
To sit there with Hazel and “hope” someone found me?
No thanks.
Not when I was conscious and able to move even a little…not when I was still capable of making decisions and acting on them.
The attitude I had about limping back to my cabin – “I’m going for it, because what’s the alternative?” – is the attitude you’ve gotta bring to your weight loss.
Stop waiting for someone to save you.
Stop waiting for someone to fix it for you.
To be clear, I’m not saying you can’t or shouldn’t accept help.
I’m saying YOU get to step up and do your part instead of “sitting on the ground with a rolled ankle, hoping somebody comes along to save you.”
No one is coming for you.
Yes, I will hand you the weight loss tools and support, and my Coaches and Mentors and I will walk beside you.
But we can’t do it for you, because no one can.
YOU get to stand up, dust yourself off, and take the next step…
Because what’s the alternative?
Stop handing your power over to other people, and TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK!
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