“Cristy, why can’t I snack on Code Red??”
Before I answer this, gift yourself the gift of never saying you “can’t eat” something. It’s a victim mindset that brainwashes you into thinking you’re depriving yourself. You are taking your life back by eating nutritious foods. In no way, shape, or form is that “depriving.”
If you’ve joined the Code Red Lifestyle™, you’re making a conscious decision to follow Code Red’s rules so you can take your life back.
So remove the word “can’t” from your vocabulary.
Now, to answer your question: On Code Red, we AVOID snacking for two reasons.
First reason: Digestion takes two-thirds of your body’s energy.
If you’re constantly eating, your body is constantly devoting 66% of its resources to digesting your food, which means only one-third of its resources are left to do things like heal you and balance hormones.
Second reason: Insulin.
Insulin is an extremely important hormone, and it has many roles in the body.
One of those roles is to open up your cells so they can absorb nutrients from the food you eat.
So when you eat anything with calories, your pancreas releases insulin to open your cells.
Sounds okay so far, right?
The thing is, when insulin is present, your body turns off your fat-burning hormones.
So if you’re eating three meals and two snacks a day, per the standard American diet, insulin is constantly present in your body, so your body’s not getting into your fat stores.
Your body’s gonna release a little insulin no matter what, which is good and totally normal. Insulin’s not “bad.”
But when your body’s constantly flooded with it, weight loss doesn’t happen.
Especially when you’re also constantly eating carbs and sugar, which require copious amounts of insulin to process!
My new video has more insulin insights that’ll really help you understand why we avoid snacking on the Code Red Lifestyle™; and also why we avoid foods that spike a bunch of insulin.
This is an especially powerful one to watch, because it challenges the bullcrap dogma that snacking is good for you. Check it out below: