How to get your water in when you can’t go to the bathroom whenever you want

When people new to Code Red hear how much water we drink, the first thing to come up is usually all the reasons they don’t think they can do it.

Most of them are just excuses because drinking that much water is so new to you. With a few adjustments, you can make it work.

But what do you do when you work in a job where you can’t just stop and use the restroom whenever you want?

What if you’re a doctor or nurse who performs surgery?

What if you’re a teacher who can’t just leave your class to go potty every five minutes?

In cases where you aren’t able to drop everything and go to the bathroom whenever you want, how are you supposed to get the water in?

Here are some tips to help you do exactly that.

#1 – Start early.

The first thing we do as Rebels each and every day is get up, go potty, strip down naked, and weigh ourselves.

The second thing we do is IMMEDIATELY get started on that water, because when you start early, you have time to get it in and go potty before you get “trapped” in the situation where you can’t just go potty whenever.

An early start on your water helps you get it in anyway, but when you’re in a job or situation where it’s harder to take bathroom breaks, getting started early is absolutely critical.

Start early, and get in a healthy chunk of your water first thing.

#2 – Sip throughout the day.

If you aren’t sure when your bathroom breaks will be once your day (or situation) starts, sip. You’ll make progress on your water, but won’t be hit with an overwhelming urge to go potty when you can’t.

#3 – Plan your water drinking around your breaks.

Grab your schedule for the day, and look at when you for sure CAN take bathroom breaks.

Then time your remaining water so that the urge to go potty hits on or around those bathroom breaks.

It may take a little practice to hit the timing, but keep practicing, and you’ll figure it out.

If your schedule varies from day to day, sipping your water is always an option.

#4 – Finish it up as soon as your work day/situation ends.

When your day ends, and you’re again in control of when you can take potty breaks, get to drinking that water.

If you got a good amount in first thing in the morning, and sipped/timed your water during the day, you’ll probably still have some left, but it’ll be a doable amount.

Get it it in (safely) as soon as you can, so you aren’t up all night peeing.

#5 – Cut back on other beverages.

Look, I love coffee as much as the next girl. And I’ve been addicted to diet soda. So I get that you may have other beverages you want to drink, too.

The truth is, none will help you as much as straight-up water; and they’ll only add to the urge to go potty.

I’m not saying you “can’t” have a cup of coffee, but understand that drinking a whole pot AND trying to get your water in is gonna make finishing your water a lot harder than it needs to be.

I’ve had Rebels who are nurses, teachers, flight attendants, world travelers, and more get ALL their water in, day after day.

They figured out how to make it work, and they did it using the strategies I’ve shared in this post.

With a little belief and effort, you CAN get your water in, even in situations where you can’t always drop everything to use the bathroom whenever you want!

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