I insist my Rebels weigh themselves daily. Why?
Because the number on that scale is your first line of defense.
It’s data you can use to determine how your choices the day before affected your weight.
A lot of society abhors the idea of weighing yourself daily. I get why, but I also don’t believe in sticking your head in the sand.
And in most cases, that’s what avoiding the scale number is about.
If you’re not confronted with the consequence of your food and lifestyle choices, you can continue living in denial, even as you get sicker and sicker, and your clothing sizes get bigger and bigger.
The number on the scale isn’t the only measure of success.
But it is an important tool, just like a thermometer is a tool to tell you the temperature.
We’re all so conditioned to tie our self-worth up in that scale number, and see it as the only way to be successful, that it takes some practice to de-program ourselves.
I’ve got Rebels who all but have a meltdown because the scale doesn’t move one day, like it’s the end of the world.
Some people even let themselves get so distraught they go off the rails and binge eat.
When the scale number isn’t moving–because, even on Code Red, and even when you’re doing everything right, there will be days your weight stalls, or even goes up–and it starts affecting your motivation, here are three things you can do to keep it together and stay on track.
- Calm down! The scale number moving .2 pounds instead of 1.2 pounds isn’t the end of the world. Ain’t nobody getting kidnapped or tortured, here! Our bodies are complicated organisms, and they’re gonna let the weight go the way they want.
Even so, double check the foods and the rules. Make sure you really are doing everything right. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you getting all your water in? Lack of sleep, lack of water, and sloppy measuring are the top 3 biggest reasons for weight loss stalls. Make 100% sure you’ve got the basics nailed down.
This is especially true if you’re in a Certified Coach’s group and you have a custom program. You have your numbers, and your Coach is there to help you, so make sure you take advantage of that. - Focus on non-scale victories. Like I said, weight loss is just one of many benefits you enjoy on the Code Red Lifestyle™. Your rings fitting again, clothes getting loser, no longer needing a seatbelt extender, someone complimenting you, tying your shoes without having to hold your breath–and so much more.
Remember to celebrate ALL the amazing things happening for you as your weight drops. - Look at the overall trend. Sometimes getting bogged down in the day-to-day stops us from seeing the big picture. Take a step back and look at how far you’ve come in your weight loss journey.
When you examine the big picture, you’ll still see the day to day ups and downs, but you’ll also see that the overall trend is down.
Don’t let a few days of the scale number not changing in the way you want it to send you off the deep end (or stop you when you’ve just gotten started).
The Code Red Lifestyle™ works. But just like anything else, you’ve gotta actually stick with it, even on the days when your weight stalls.
Take a breath, take a step back, and celebrate all your victories.
You didn’t gain all your weight overnight, and you aren’t gonna lose it all overnight, either.