How do I prep for a colonoscopy and stay Code Red?

If you’re a Code Red Rebel who’s on deck for a colonoscopy, you’ve probably got questions for how you can stay on track and still prep for your colonoscopy.

In this article I’m sharing a few tips that have worked for other Rebels who’ve had a colonoscopy, but before I do: None of this is meant as medical advice, and you should always follow your doctor’s orders.

Okay, so first up: When it comes to drinking clear liquids, we love bone broth. You can make it yourself, or purchase it. Here’s an example of bone broth:

Second: You’ll probably be told to drink Gatorade for the electrolytes. You’ll be doing a lot of pooping to get “cleaned out” in preparation of your colonoscopy, so hospital staff want you to keep your electrolyte levels up because you’ll be pooping a lot of them out.

We don’t find Gatorade to be the best source of electrolytes. Instead, we recommend you add one of the following electrolyte supplements to your water:

  1. Hydra-Charge: (codered15 for 15% off)
  2. Redmond Relyte: (codered15 for 15% off)
  3. Ultima: (free shipping on orders over $50)

For colonoscopy prep, large doses of these electrolyte supplements is what we suggest, again, to replace what you’ll be pooping out. Bone broth also works great here.

You can eat sugar-free JELL-O if you want, but remember: Before your procedure, AVOID ANYTHING RED OR ORANGE IN COLOR.

Your doctor may ask you to eat “low residue” before the procedure. Here are some “low residue” food ideas:

  • Well-cooked fresh vegetables or canned vegetables without seeds, like asparagus tips, green beans, carrots, mushrooms, spinach, squash (no seeds), and pumpkin (no seeds)
  • Tomato sauce (no seeds)
  • Avocado
  • DAIRY for fats (sour cream, cream cheese)
  • Eggs (all forms and all kinds)

Here are some tips for AFTER the procedure:

  1. Stay hydrated. Something gentle, like bone broth (or even veggie/chicken broth) is a great option.
  2. Stick with bland foods for the first 24-hours after the procedure.
  3. If you gain weight after the procedure, know that it’s pretty normal, and it’s also TEMPORARY. Stay on track, and within a few days (maybe less), the temporary weight will come off on its own.

Staying on track before and after your colonoscopy is pretty straightforward. These tips have helped several Code Red Rebels with their colonoscopies, but again, this is not medical advice, and always follow your doctor’s orders.

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