Some of the most Googled exercise questions I’ve ever seen have to do with what I call spot-reducing fat.
Spot-reducing fat means getting rid of fat from a specific area of your body, like your belly, butt, thighs, back, or wherever it is you hope to lose weight.
Or, it might be you DON’T want weight to come off in a certain areas. For example, most of my clients are women, some don’t want their boobs to shrink, while others do.
There’s a lot of gimmicky fitness training out there that promises to help you “torch stubborn belly fat,” or other claims that suggest it’s possible remove fat from certain areas.
What they’re not telling you is that when you lose weight the right way, losing weight in the areas you want will happen automatically! (You may not lose ALL the weight you want in those areas. It depends on a variety of factors.)
If you have more belly fat than you want, I get why you’d be drawn to promises of spot-reducing belly fat.
But here’s what you’ve gotta understand…
It is not possible to spot-reduce fat with diet or exercise.
See, your genetics play a huge role in how and where you gain weight.
They do NOT determine whether you can lose all your weight. THAT is bullcrap.
Genetics don’t determine your size, just your shape, and with that, where you gain weight.
Take me as an example. When I gain weight, the vast majority goes to my lower body – especially my butt, hips, and thighs. So I can gain a certain amount of weight and maintain my six-pack abs.
I also know people that when they gain weight, up to a certain point, their abs are the first place to fatten up, yet their butt, hips, and thighs don’t change.
In both cases, the answer isn’t to try and spot reduce the fat. It’s to just lose weight, and NOT by using exercise.
If there’s an area of your body carrying too much fat, you’ve got to change your diet.
Yes, you read that right. “Hitting the gym” can only do so much to change your body composition when you have weight to lose and your diet is crap.
I insist my clients address their weight problem with real food, water, and sleep. I want people focusing on getting the weight off FIRST.
Then, when my clients reach maintenance, I encourage them to take up consistent exercise to reap the benefits and improve their body composition.
Another benefit of losing ALL your weight first is, it shows you which areas of your body need exercise to be improved.
It’s WAY more efficient to change your diet, get the weight off, and see how things play out, instead of eat like crap and try to spot-reduce fat with exercise. You won’t be able to make it work.
Get the weight off with Code Red, see how your weight loss shakes out, THEN use exercise to improve your body composition.
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