I went to Ulta Beauty with Hazel (my Belgian Malinois) recently because I needed hairspray.
I came across some perfume I love and had been out of for a year. Ulta was offering a free gift when you purchased a bottle, so I decided, “Why not?”
I grabbed a bottle of my favorite scent and tucked it under my arm, then continued shopping.
After a few seconds, I noticed a loud BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP echoing through the store. It went on and on.
“What is that?” I wondered, glancing around.
But nothing leaped out at me, so I just kept shopping.
Or tried to, anyway.
Three minutes later, the beeping sound was still going off AND it kept getting louder.
I was doing my best to ignore it when Hazel started bumping my leg with her nose the way she’s been trained to do when there’s a sound she thinks I’m not aware of (since I have severe hearing loss).
She was clearly uncomfortable and thought something was wrong, but I couldn’t figure out what.
“What’s wrong, honey? Mommy’s okay,” I assured her.
As I moved toward the checkout, I noticed that everyone in the store was looking at me funny.
Why are they staring? Is it because of Hazel? I wondered.
Suddenly, a store manager was standing in front of me. “Here, let me take care of that for you,” she said.
“Take care of what?” I asked, puzzled.
“That,” she said, reaching under my arm…
To grab the perfume…
Which was lit up and flashing like a redneck’s Christmas lights…
And making the BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP sound I kept hearing.
Oh. My. GOSH. That’s ME that’s causing the beeping sound! I realized.
My best guess is that the anti-theft device in the perfume box thought I’d stuffed it into my purse when I put it under my arm.
And because of my severe hearing loss, I could hear it, but not tell where it was coming from.
Sheesh. 😂
Today I learned about yet another complicated weight loss method that has you eat real food for one meal, then fiddle around with protein shakes and snacks for the rest of the day.
It reminded me that there’s SO much weight loss “noise” out there.
Shots. Surgery. Shakes. Plans with “fruit days” or “one real food meal and the rest are shakes and bars.”
It’s all either too complicated or a short-term gimmick that can’t possibly work long-term.
And just like me and the perfume bottle’s anti-theft device, you hear it, but you’re not sure what to do about it.
Fortunately, I’m here to do for you what Hazel did for me: Alert you to the bullcrap noise so you know what to tune out and what to pay attention to.
It’s actually REALLY simple.
To lose weight and keep it off, your body needs real food, water, sleep, and a few simple rules.
Code Red’s proven this over and over again.
So when in doubt, eat real food, drink water, and sleep. Listen to your body and don’t eat if you aren’t hungry. Stop eating when you feel satisfied.
If you never feel hungry or never feel satisfied, it could mean your hunger hormones are out of whack. In either case, real food, water, and sleep will help.
Most of our ancestors didn’t have a weight problem, and it wasn’t due to an Ozempic deficiency.
Give your body the same things your ancestors needed: Real food, water, and sleep.
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