He holds the record for the most weight lost on the Code Red Lifestyle

Steve has lost an ASTONISHING amount of weight on the Code Red Lifestyle. You’re jaw’s gonna drop when you hear how much!

But when I met Steve in May of 2017, he was singing a different tune…and tipped the scales at over 400 pounds.

Watch my amazing interview with Steve to hear all the remarkable ways his life has changed since becoming a Code Red Rebel…

…plus you’ll get to watch my real-time reaction to seeing Steve at his goal weight, live, on camera, for the first time ever!


Are you ready to take your life back from obesity, sickness, and misery? Are you ready to love being photographed, always find cute clothes that fit whenever you shop, and feel proud of yourself?

Then join my next 10 Pound Takedown Challenge at www.10PoundTakedown.com. For less than the price of a family dinner out, you can experience the Code Red Lifestyle’s life-transforming results for yourself. Get started now at www.10PoundTakedown.com.