“You’ve got one less retreat ticket available, because I just got mine,” she said to me in a DM.
Then she added something that really stuck with me…
To paraphrase: she “needs” that goal of showing up at the retreat, of being able to zip line, and of seeing me in person to help motivate her.
Here’s how this matters to YOU.
Recently I met with the producers of my documentary (which is now set for a mid-October release).
As we talked about my media tour dates, it clicked on a whole new level how important it is for me to maintain my physique.
The whole reason I’m doing this documentary is to share Code Red’s message with the world.
For that message to be effective, I’ve GOT to keep walking my talk. We don’t have a weight gain problem in this country, we have a weight REGAIN problem.
And I can’t show up fat and expect people to believe Code Red can help them.
You might read that and think, “Well no kidding, Cristy.”
I know, it sounds obvious. But here’s what you’ve gotta understand.
I battle temptation, too.
Like you, I have a cheat voice that tries to talk me into sneaking in stuff that I really don’t need.
With a goal of looking my best for my upcoming media tour, I’ve got a powerful and immediate reason to ignore that stupid voice.
See, what really clicked for me about this is that it’s not enough to have short-term goals, AND it’s not enough to have long-term goals.
We need BOTH.
Meaning, we need a reason to stay on track in the short term, AND a bigger, long-term goal, like staying healthy and strong.
When you’re in the heat of wanting to cheat, your long-term goal is sometimes meaningless. It feels vague and far away.
But a short-term goal helps you get with the program NOW.
For you, maybe that’s not wanting to be the “fat mom” at your son’s wedding, or wanting to feel comfortable in a swimsuit over the summer.
AND on the flip side, what happens after the wedding is over? What happens when summer turns to fall?
Without a long-term goal to back it up, you fall right back into your old ways and regain the weight once your short-term goal has come and gone.
I used to be against short-term goals, because they only helped in the short-term.
But now? Now I recommend having short- AND long-term goals, because it’s the best of both worlds.
For the Rebel I mentioned earlier, her latest short-term goal is to drop more weight by the retreat, so she can zip line and show me how far she’s come.
A short-term goal can be as short-term as getting through the next five minutes without going face down in your husband’s bag of Doritos.
A long-term goal can be as long-term as refusing to be the next member of your family to live as a type 2 diabetic.
Pick your next short-term goal AND get clear on your long-term goal.
Use the combo of both to stay on track now…AND down the road.
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