With all the harping I do on carbs, sugar, and junk food, it’s no wonder people are surprised when they learn I don’t believe in “good food, bad food.”
“But Cristy, Twinkies are bad for you!”
Twinkies aren’t a health food, that’s for sure, and of course I think you should avoid them.
But I still don’t label them “bad.”
Here’s what I mean.
Think of your body like a car.
If you put diesel fuel in your car, which is built to run on gasoline, things are gonna get ugly. You’ll destroy your car’s engine.
But the diesel fuel isn’t “bad.” It’s just not the right fuel for your car.
The same is true of food.
Food isn’t “good” or “bad.” It’s fuel or it’s not.
Foods that are fuel keep you slender and healthy.
Foods that aren’t keep you fat and sick.
Thinking of food as good or bad sets you up for an unhealthy relationship with it, and that’s not what we want, especially if your relationship with it is already unhealthy.
Start viewing food as fuel, and keep your “engine” running the way it should, by choosing healthy foods that fuel your body, instead of foods that slowly poison you into a life of fat, sickness, and misery.
If you need help understanding which foods are the right fuel, and why they’re the right fuel, click here to get your copy of my book, The Code Red Revolution.
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