I get it. Making a food plan with all the craziness you’ve already got going on in your life doesn’t sound fun or sexy.
But falling off the wagon, eating something you shouldn’t, and descending into that dark, emotionally exhausting spiral of guilt and shame isn’t fun or sexy either, is it?
That’s why making a food plan is so crucial, because can save you from from yourself, and all those powerful old habits you’re overcoming as you learn this new lifestyle.
“Cristy, what do you mean when you say ‘a food plan?'”
On the Code Red Lifestyle, we know that a prepared Rebel is a successful Rebel, and prepared Rebels make and stick to plans when it comes to when, where, and with whom they eat.
Here are five food plans you need to be making if you want to be as successful as you possibly can be on this lifestyle
Meal Prep Plan.
Spending one day a week to plan your meals (and ideally prep them) saves you loads of time and stress. Plus, it’s incredibly reassuring to know exactly what you’re going to eat, and gives you something to turn to if and when you’re confronted with tempting foods.
You get to think to yourself, “Nope, I already know what I’m eating today,” vs. “Well, I haven’t decided what I’m going to eat, so…plus, that sure looks and smells amazing. Just one bite won’t hurt anything…and I am pretty hungry.”
See what I mean? Plan and prep your meals to save time and energy and help you resist temptation.
Eating Out Plan. I encourage my Rebels to avoid eating out for the first month of their weight loss journey, especially if they’re on a custom program. This helps them get used to the way we eat and get familiar with the foods we eat in weight loss mode, without the added stress of scouring a menu looking for weight loss mode approved foods.
If and when you eat out in weight loss mode, feel free to bring your own food, or even condiments. If you’re on a custom program, bring your food scale and travel measuring spoons and measuring cups.
Look up the restaurant’s menu in advance and decide what you’re going to have. You can even give them a call and ask questions.
At the restaurant, communicate with your server. Most places are used to serving people with specific food needs.
Search the sides menu for Code Red-approved foods. Sometimes, depending on what sides are available, that’s less easier than ordering a main dish.
Salad bars are a great way to stick to plan, as must include things like veggies, meats, hard-boiled eggs, and approved dressings.
Finally, remember that just because a food isn’t on the menu doesn’t mean it isn’t available. For example, most restaurants have avocado in stock, even if they don’t list it as a stand-alone menu item. Again, communicate with your server.
Eating At Events Plan. Eating at events can be one of the most difficult experiences for Code Red Rebels, since you have less control over the food that’s available.
But that doesn’t mean you have zero control. Start by contacting someone in charge of the event and finding out what’s served. Don’t be afraid to ask detailed questions about ingredients.
Most times there’s something you can have, but if not, either eat before you go and abstain at the event, or bring your own food. You can drink water and enjoy the rest of the event without having to eat their food.
It may raise a few eyebrows, but that’s better than derailing your weight loss and prolonging the time it takes to get your weight off. If people ask, tell them, “I’m not hungry and I don’t eat if I’m not hungry,” or “I’m having great results losing weight on the Code Red Lifestyle and have zero interest in sabotaging my results.”
Travel Eating Plan. Travel, either for business or vacation, is another one that freaks people out, but it’s really very, very easy to stay on plan while traveling.
Whether you’re driving or flying there are Code Red-approved foods you can bring (and are TSA-approved).
I highly recommend doing this, since bringing your own Code Red-approved foods is the surest way to stay on plan, because you’ll always have something approved on hand.
Also, remember that Code Red-approved food is available everywhere, including restaurants and gas station convenience stores.
Worst case scenario, you skip one meal, and like I always say: Ain’t nobody gonna die from skipping a meal!
Food Emergency Plan. I define a food emergency as unexpectedly ending up in a situation where you don’t have Code Red-approved foods on hand.
Keeping something Code Red-approved handy, like little package of approved nuts, almond butter or coconut oil packets, sardines, or beef sticks can curb your appetite and make it easier to stay on plan.
When you’re a more advanced and confident Rebel, winging it can work for you. And sometimes, you may end up in that situation even with plans in place.
But even so, having plans for each of the situations above will help you stay on track and be prepared for most of life’s situations.
When you have a plan, you don’t have to guess and scramble, and in many cases it can mean the difference between derailing your weight loss and staying strong. Sit down and work up some simple plans for yourself. Believe me, you’ll feel a whole lot more confident when you have them ready to go!