“Getting this weight off and being healthier shouldn’t be this hard.”
If you’ve ever thought that, you’re right. I completely agree with you!
There’s a lot that makes weight loss seem harder than it should be, including food addiction, “comfort foods,” bonding with people over food, processed food that’s chemically engineered to be addictive, and more.
But above all that is the fact that today’s world makes it SO freaking hard to get and stay healthy!
Hospitals, where we supposedly go for healing, have vending machines stuffed with sugary, inflammatory, fattening snacks.
And if you ever need to stay in a hospital as a patient, you’re offered soda, desserts, and junk.
It’s SO screwed up and hypocritical!
Pharmacies, hardware stores, and other places that have NOTHING to do with food still stock candy, snacks, and beverages to tempt you.
And walking into a grocery store is like being an alcoholic walking into a liquor store, except worse…
Because an alcoholic doesn’t actually NEED alcohol to survive.
You, on the other hand, we DO need food to survive (we all do). There’s no getting around it.
Our world has gotten more and more focused on UNhealth than on being healthy, despite people spending billions a year on diets, medication, exercise, and health care.
It’s no wonder that getting and keeping your weight off feels impossible.
It’s not impossible, but you’ve got an uphill battle.
I’m not saying all this to make you feel hopeless.
I’m saying it because you can’t win a war you don’t even know you’re a part of, and make no mistake, there is a global war for your health going on.
But that doesn’t mean you’re alone in this fight.
There ARE plenty of “pockets” where people care about being healthy, and are fighting to get and stay that way.
Get connected to those people in those pockets, and STAY connected.
You’ll never make it if you try to “do it all on your own,” any more than one person can win a war against a massive enemy by “fighting all on their own.”
There’s a LOT working against you, and to even have a shot at both getting and permanently keeping the weight off, you HAVE to have that connection to people on a health journey, because it offsets the people and forces trying to pull you back into UNhealth (even when they don’t know that’s what they’re doing).
Get connected, and most importantly, STAY connected. Connection to a community is the number one factor in whether someone keeps their weight off, and what I’ve shared here is a big part of why.
There absolutely is hope for you to get and keep this weight off. But you aren’t gonna do it “all on your own.” Not in THIS world.
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