“I have always hidden behind the camera”

This Rebel used to hide behind the camera…because she hated seeing herself in pictures.

And when people saw her smiling, that smile looked polite, but it wasn’t real…just a “socially acceptable” mask to hide her misery.

NOW she smiles because she’s truly happy – with her pictures, but also herself, her life, and the way she feels.

Hear how this amazing Rebel – who’s one of my “star students” – completely transformed her life with just real food, water and sleep!


Are you ready to take your life back from obesity, sickness, and misery? Are you ready to love being photographed, always find cute clothes that fit whenever you shop, and feel proud of yourself?

Then join my next 10 Pound Takedown Challenge at www.10PoundTakedown.com. For less than the price of a family dinner out, you can experience the Code Red Lifestyle’s life-transforming results for yourself. Get started now at www.10PoundTakedown.com.