Knock it off and drink your water

So how are you doing getting all your water in? Do you make it a priority, or do you keep “forgetting” or “not getting around to it?” 

If you’re in the second group, listen up: 

I don’t like drinking water, either. There, I said it. 

But I still do it, because I know what will happen to my body if I skimp. 

Lack of water tricks your body into thinking it’s hungry, when it’s really just craving hydration. 

Because of that, skimping on water leads to weight gain, since you’re always eating when you’re really just thirsty. 

Skimping on water also stalls your weight loss, even if you’re doing everything else right. I

t’s because your body has to have water to efficiently burn fat and function at optimum level. 

If getting your water in remains a struggle for you – or you’re just new to the Code Red Lifestyle and don’t know your way around yet – my video below is really gonna help motivate you to make drinking your water a priority. 

If you know anyone who could use a water pep talk, or just want others in your life to understand why you drink so much water (and why it’s a good thing), show them this video!