When Becky told me she’s inspired many people in her community to TAKE THEIR LIVES BACK, I thought, “I see why!”
You don’t lose 150 pounds without persistence and consistent action.
Like most of us, Becky’s tried to lose weight before, including with exercise, and get this.
Even hitting the gym three days a week, she ended up GAINING weight from exercise, rather than losing it.
After joining the Code Red Lifestyle™ and addressing her nutrition, Becky lost 150 pounds in a year and a half.
Now she’s active at home, at work, and in her community. Plus, she’s able to travel and enjoy the outdoors.
When your weight is holding you back, life becomes gray and empty.
Plus, if you’re unhealthy, you’re also tired, your energy levels are depleted, and it can be difficult physically getting around or doing basic tasks – let alone making the most of what life has to offer.
That’s why Code Red is not just about “losing weight.”
Becky didn’t just “lose weight.” She created a better life for herself, by starting with the common denominator in all parts of her life: HERSELF.
If Becky’s story has you feeling inspired to TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK, get started here: http://www.10PoundTakedown.com. The 10 Pound Takedown starts the day you sign up!