Does the struggle ever end?

There’s a popular quote that says, to paraphrase, “struggle is real, but suffering is optional.”

It’s REALLY important to get the first part of that quote, because when we expect not to struggle, we sometimes sabotage our success.

See, for a lot of people, their idea of success is not to struggle.

There are definitely things you can do to minimize struggle, but as a human being, living with a human mind in a human world, you’re gonna be hard-pressed to NEVER struggle.

As for whether or not you “suffer,” yes, that one is optional, because whether or not you suffer as you struggle comes down to your mindset around struggle.

Do you see it as a necessary and valuable part of getting where you wanna be, even if you don’t always love it? Do you see it as something you get to fight through and use to make yourself stronger?

Or do you see it as something you’ve got to bend over backwards to avoid?

Hey, I’m not gonna sit here and tell you that struggling is fun and awesome.

What I’m saying is that how you choose to look at struggle directly impacts how much you SUFFER as you struggle.

Accepting that living life includes seasons of struggle will free up a TON of bandwidth you’re spending on trying to avoid it.

By trying to avoid ALL struggle, you’re just trading one form of struggle for another.

You’re either struggling to get where you want, or struggling to avoid struggling, and in so doing, sabotaging your progress on reaching your goals (which, if you’re in that situation you know leads to suffering).

If you’re hoping not to struggle, work on accepting that struggle is a part of life.

When you do that, you’ll find some peace around it, and can work on navigating the struggle in a way that gets you (and keeps you) where you wanna be.

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