Someone in the 10 Pound Takedown asked if drinking water causes hot flashes, presumably because she’s experiencing them since transitioning to the Code Red Lifestyle™.
No, drinking water does not cause hot flashes.
But if you experience them after transitioning to Code Red, here’s what could be going on.
Reason #1 – Detox.
To be clear, we do not use weird detox powders on Code Red. When you transition to real food, water, and sleep, your body will detox itself. It doesn’t need weird powders and pills to do that. It just needs water and time.
Whether you experience detox symptoms is gonna depend both on you as an individual and what your diet’s currently like. If you eat a lot of sugar and processed foods, you’re probably gonna have symptoms, just like alcoholics and drug addicts do when they stop drinking and using their drug of choice.
Hot flashes may be one of those symptoms. It just depends.
Stick with Code Red eating, water, and sleep, and the symptoms stop in a few days. The average is eight days. You’ll feel like a different person! If you reintroduce the “foods to avoid,” you reset detox. It’s not worth it.
Reason #2: Hormones are stored in fat.
The fat your body packs on isn’t just sitting there, inactive. It’s serving several purposes that go way beyond “calories in, calories out.”
One of those purposes is that it stores the chemicals from your food, and also stores hormones (because most people’s are out of whack if their diet’s bad).
When you start losing that fat, everything that’s stored in it is released into your bloodstream. (Sidebar: That’s why drinking water is so important – it helps your body flush that stuff out.)
Since what it stores includes hormones, then if you’re a woman, you may experience hot flashes and/or irregular menstrual cycles.
It’s temporary, but how long it lasts, again, depends on your individual biology, how much weight you have to lose, and how full of sugar and processed foods your diet is when you start.
So no, drinking water doesn’t “cause” hot flashes.
Even if it did, it’d be a small price to pay to be free of all that extra body fat and all the chemicals, cholesterol, and excess hormones it’s storing.
If you’re ready to be free of the extra fat and everything that goes with it, use the link below to join the 10 Pound Takedown: