It’s a question that’s on everyone’s mind when they first hear about the Code Red Lifestyle™…
“Does Code Red really work?”
If you know someone who’s succeed with Code Red, the question’s probably this:
“Will Code Red work for me?”
Spend even a little time learning about Code Red, and you’ll quickly discover how no-B.S. I am.
I’m telling you that to prepare you for my answer to the questions above (you’ll see what I mean), and it’s this:
Whether or not Code Red works for you depends entirely upon you.
Does Code Red work? Heck yes. There’s no way I’d have helped a quarter of a million people (and counting) of Code Red didn’t get results. Click the Success Stories category of blog posts on this website and you’ll see all kinds of evidence that Code Red works.
But whether or not it works for you, specifically, depends on YOU.
What does it mean to you for Code Red to “work?” Does it mean you lose all your weight and keep it off?
If so, yes, Code Red can help you get that result.
Does it mean that you can make a temporary change with Code Red to lose all your weight, then go right back to the foods and habits that kept you fat and sick in the first place?
If that’s your definition of “works,” then no, Code Red won’t work for you. You’ll lose weight when you follow the program, you just won’t keep it off by going right back to what was making you fat and sick.
Another question to ask, to help you decide whether Code Red works for you, is this:
Will you follow the program to the letter, consistently? Or will you “try it” for a couple days, then abandon it?
That’s another example of where Code Red won’t work. Just like you’re not gonna get your car to move if you just get behind the wheel and hope and wish, instead of putting the key in the ignition and turning it, you’ve gotta follow the Code Red program – CONSISTENTLY – in order for it to help you get results.
I really want you get the part about consistency. That may seem obvious to you, but it’s not to everyone. We’re so brainwashed by the diet mentality, which is all about the quick fix and temporary changes, that a startling number of people think they can follow Code Red for a couple weeks, stop, and keep getting results.
That’s like believing you can start your car, drive it for a few blocks, then pull over, turn off the ignition, put it in park, and expect it to magically keep taking you where you wanna be. Not gonna happen!
So, does Code Red work?
When you follow it correctly and consistently, yes.
Will it work for you?
Same answer.
The program works when you work the program.
YOU get to decide that part.
If that’s exactly what you’re willing to do, click the red button below and get on the next 10 Pound Takedown. Work the program for 30 days and see what you think. Do you like how you feel? Are you happy with your results? Is it something you can see yourself doing for life?
I know it will if you work the program. Click below to get on the next challenge. I’ll see you there.