I get my share of critics and negative comments, and one of the biggest bull crap claims I encounter is that Code Red causes cancer.
It’s time to address this hugely false claim, because anyone who believes this isn’t up to date on the latest science.
Cancer is a gene mutation. It can be inherited, yes, but it can also be caused by numerous factors that are not inherited, like obesity, chronic inflammation, being too sedentary, smoking, radiation, and various carcinogens.
What most people don’t realize is that we all have cancer cells inside us already. (I know, I was shocked when I first learned this, too!)
But our lifestyle is what “activates” them.
You see, cancer cells are attracted to inflammation, and unless you’re brand new to Code Red, you already know what I’m gonna say regarding what causes inflammation: Sugar (glucose).
The fact sugar feeds into cancer is not controversial.
Medical scans even use glucose to detect the presence of activated cancer cells!
Since we eliminate sugar on the Code Red Lifestyle™, how the heck could Code Red “cause” cancer? (Especially since all we do is real food, drink water, and sleep?)
Simple. It doesn’t.
In fact, the way we eat on Code Red may event starve cancer cells!
I get that there’s a lot of confusing information out there.
But if you hear someone bash Code Red as “bad” for your health in any way, take it with a grain of salt and do your own research. Decide for yourself.
Because, ultimately, nobody’s gonna be more passionate about your health than you.
Start by watching my video below about why high-fat nutrition like Code Red can be beneficial if you’re looking to avoid cancer.
I’ll even tell you about a study that suggests lack of sleep can make cancer worse! Since we emphasize getting plenty of sleep on Code Red, it’s more evidence what we’re doing does NOT “cause” cancer, but the opposite!