Do you feel judged by everyone around you, all the time?

Being as public about my life as I am, I get judged a LOT.

Some people judge me to be someone they like, that they relate to, that they think is cool, and that will lead them into losing the weight and keeping it off.

Other people judge me as loud, obnoxious, arrogant, full of crap, as being a man, as having hair that’s too out there, and so on.

No matter what I do, someone is judging me.

I bring it up because not long ago, a Code Red Rebel admitted she feels like everyone is judging her, and you know what I realized?

Even though people do judge you (even when they don’t mean to), no one can actually MAKE you feel judged unless you are judging yourself.

Yeah, let that one sink in for a minute.

When somebody says something about me I don’t like, I’ve started realizing it’s because part of me wonders if they’re right.

If what they say doesn’t bother me at all, it’s because no part of me believes it, and no part of me wonders if they’re right.

If you find yourself constantly feeling like other people are judging you (or anything else), take a step back and be honest with yourself…is it because part of you is ALSO judging yourself? Is it because part of you worries they’re right?

I get that this is WAY easier said then done, but I also know it’s 100% true: If what YOU believe about yourself is rock solid, nothing anyone else believes or says about you, no matter who it is, can trigger you.

If it bothers you, you’re taking it personally in some way. And doing that is a choice, not a requirement.

Again, it’s easier said than done. For survival reasons, we’re wired to care what others think of us, because for most of human history, getting kicked out of your tribe meant certain death.

That’s not the case in modern society, but our primal wiring hasn’t caught up. So somebody says something about us we don’t like, and we struggle with it, because as far as our brain is concerned, we’re “fighting for our life.”

Except, we’re not. Not anymore.

However people judge you, it ain’t gonna literally kill you.

Remember that the next time you “feel judged,” okay?

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