Weight loss is emotional…and that’s perfectly okay!

A 1:1 client of mine once shared that she cries every time she tries on a new dress.

When I meet people at book signings and other events, there’s always a few who start crying as soon as they come to face to face with me.

And I usually cry, at some point, when I’m meeting my Rebels!

I sometimes see my custom program clients be hard on themselves for getting emotional about their weight loss.

It’s not always crying. Sometimes they’re frustrated, or angry. Or they get nervous.

And then there’s the joy and excitement. The incredulity. The relief.

You know what I tell them?

Don’t be so hard on yourself for getting emotional!

Losing weight is a complicated, emotional experience for most people. It peels back layers, like an onion.

There’s a lot of shame and self-hatred involved, and as the weight comes off, it dredges up ALL that stuff.

I’ve seen it a million times, and I’m here to tell you that it’s a normal, natural part of the weight loss process.

So the next time you cry with joy because you can cross your legs again…or you can bend over to tie your shoes without gasping for air…

…or you pick a size small off the clothing rack, 100% sure it’s never gonna fit, and it does, and you cry…

…I want you to celebrate that! Revel in it!

It means you’re healing and growing; and that those layers of guilt and shame – two emotions I’m not a fan of – are falling away.

Whatever you’re going through on YOUR weight loss journey – and it is a journey – just know that it’s perfectly okay.

Accepting your emotions, instead of torturing yourself about them, is gonna make your journey all the more amazing.

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