It’s a question most women who have kids ask themselves: Is there any hope of getting my body back after I have kids?
You may have also wondered, “Will I ever lose the baby weight?”
Hey, I get it. All around you are messages that baby weight is “almost impossible” to lose. You may have even grown up hearing a female relative talk about how she gained weight after each child. Maybe that even happened in your case!
Meanwhile, you’re bombarded with media stories about celebrities who have kids and lose all the baby weight, and figure they either know something you don’t, or they can afford fancy workouts, nutritionists, and surgery that you’ll never have access to.
Well, guess what?
After working with tens of thousands of people from all over the world, here’s what I can tell you about getting your body back and losing the baby weight:
YES, it is possible. MORE than possible.
This is especially true of the baby weight. The reason so many people struggle to lose weight is because they’re eating too much of the wrong foods and not enough of the right foods; they’re dehydrated; and they’re sleep-deprived.
I know – it sounds SO simple.
And because it really is that simple, there are some multi-billion-dollar industries in the world who want you to stay fat and sick because it’s more profitable for them. They’ve bent over backwards to convince you it’s NOT that simple.
As a result, we blame genetics, menopause, baby weight, “getting older,” and all kinds of bull crap reasons for our inability to lose weight.
Meanwhile, the answer we need is hiding in plain sight:
Eat the right real food.
Drink water.
As for whether you’ll get your exact pre-baby body back, that’s harder to say. Oh it’s possible, but again, harder to say. It depends on your age, your genetics, how many kids you have, and your collagen levels, to name a few.
I will say this: At the very least, you’ll get closer to it than most people will believe.
LOSING the baby weight is a hard yes…IF you follow the program, consistently (not “if you feel like it” or by taking weekends off – I’m talking do it right and do it 24/7).
I know because thousands of my clients have lost the baby weight. The ones who were overweight before having kids are smaller than before they had kids.
Please do not fall for the lies about baby weight being hard to lose. It’s not any harder than any other kind of weight, and losing weight aren’t anywhere near as hard as you’ve been led to believe.
You eat real food – meats, vegetables, nuts, eggs, seeds, seafood, and dietary fat – you drink water, and you sleep.
Don’t dismiss it until you try it, especially if you really do want that baby weight gone.
Seriously, what do you really have to lose, besides the baby weight?
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