At a public event in 2018, someone told me they couldn’t do Code Red because they’re a “picky eater.”
You know what I told them?
If you’re overweight, you aren’t THAT picky about what you’re eating!
She laughed, because she knew the “picky eater” line was an excuse, and I called her on it.
I’m a big fan of being honest with yourself, because only by doing that can you face and move beyond the hard stuff in life, like having a weight problem.
This isn’t a judgement. I don’t doubt you’ve tried a million things to get your weight off.
But when someone comes to me complaining about a weight problem, then whips out excuses like “I’m a picky eater” as to why they haven’t yet gone all-in with Code Red to see if it’s for them, I call bullcrap.
Stuff like “I’m too busy,” “I’m a picky eater,” “I don’t like water,” and whatever else comes out of your mouth is most likely masking things like fear of failure, or discomfort and fear at the idea of changing what you eat.
It’s totally understandable. You’ve depended on food for a long time to manage your emotions. What will you do if you actually “have” to face them?
Or maybe you’re scared of other people finding out you’re trying to lose weight again, and telling you not to bother because “you’re just gonna fail again.”
Problems are not solved when you hide behind excuses. Problems (including your weight) get solved by taking an honest look at what’s going on.
I get that excuses are easier and, on the surface, seem safer. It’s pretty uncomfortable to look yourself in the eye and ask, “Why are you really avoiding _________,” or “Why are you really doing _________?”
I get it, and every person who’s succeeded on Code Red has had to face this at least once. There’s a reason we’re Code Red REBELS. We do the hard things it takes to stop being prisoners in our own bodies.
Do Code Red, or don’t do Code Red. But if you choose not to do it, be honest with yourself about why.