A lot of people who join the Code Red Lifestyle™ notice an improvement in their mood and energy levels.
They feel happier, more confident, experience less anxiety, and in many cases, depression backs off or disappears entirely.
There are different severities of depression. Plus some forms of depression are caused by temporary circumstances, like grieving a loss, while others are caused by a chemical imbalance that seems to come “out of nowhere.”
When it comes to whether Code Red helps with depression, here are the two areas where we see the most improvement:
1) Depression caused by feeling disappointed in yourself. Because you’re taking your life back and giving your body good fuel, that in and of itself feels good and can alleviate the depression inspired by hating yourself and believing you “could be doing better.” You also begin to look “better” (lose weight, look healthier), and for most people, that’s exciting enough to
2) When depression’s caused by a chemical imbalance, the first reaction is to throw pills at it.
That can be necessary in many cases, but another thing that helps is proper nutrition. That is where Code Red really shines.
Food is your body’s fuel, and your brain is part of your body. So are the chemicals your body produces–including the ones that influence your mood.
When your body gets the proper healthy food, and you back off the harmful food, everything gets better, including hormones and other chemicals. They flow at normal levels instead of spiking up and down all over the place.
It’s not coincidence that so many Code Red Rebels report improvement in depression, anxiety, being short-tempered, and other moods that sugar and grains make worse.
If you struggle with anxiety and depression, take a look at cleaning up your diet. Give your body (including your brain) the fuel it needs to function the way it’s designed to, and what happens can feel like nothing short of a miracle.